Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Feb, 2014  |
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DIY vinyl record bowls.

1 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

2 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

3 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

4 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

5 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

6 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

7 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

8 Vinyl Record Bowls (8 pics)

№1 Author: qbik (4 Feb 2014 02:21) Total user comments: 0

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geeez what a waste of excellent records ;/
№2 Author: Greennauta_ (4 Feb 2014 02:45) Total user comments: 486

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I don't think so, man! I NEVER will do this with my vinyls!! :88:
..and just for know, I don't like cigars, they can cause cancer,
... I prefer :44:
№3 Author: Episteme (4 Feb 2014 03:31) Total user comments: 27

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Dude, ever heard about TAR? Smoked a pipe for a long time and seen that black shit? Thats TAR. btw MJ contains more TAR than tobacco
"Tar when in the lungs coats the cilia causing them to stop working and eventually die, causing such conditions as lung cancer as the toxic particles in tobacco smoke are no longer trapped by the cilia but enter the alveoli directly. Thus, the alveoli cannot come through with the process that is called
№4 Author: Episteme (4 Feb 2014 03:44) Total user comments: 27

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MJ contains about 4 times as much tar as tobacco. Fortunately it does not contain nicotine. So how dangerous is the actual tar? Im not sure, hopefully someone who knows or have the time find out will post a response..
№5 Author: m0ck0 (4 Feb 2014 04:04) Total user comments: 149

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memento mori
№6 Author: MWarrior (4 Feb 2014 05:24) Total user comments: 1024

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You can buy old records at The Salvation Army for 25 cents.

Cost of a pre-made record bowl online? About 20 bucks!
№7 Author: Grunt Callahan (4 Feb 2014 06:54) Total user comments: 2430

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Enough of the tar talk, the real problem here is that the cigars will melt the vinyl, you get sick from the cigars and everyone loses.
№8 Author: Tomaz86 (4 Feb 2014 15:27) Total user comments: 10834

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I can not believe this guy did it, why not picked up a vinyl Jackson 5? :13: :27:
№9 Author: Buacks (4 Feb 2014 20:40) Total user comments: 1333

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You ruined a Judas Priest record for that crappy bowl? With a hole in the fucking middle? for real?
№10 Author: EL_BastardO (4 Feb 2014 23:28) Total user comments: 93

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Thats one way to make hipsters cry....

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