Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Feb, 2014  |
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1 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

2 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

3 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

4 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

5 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

6 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

7 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

8 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

9 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

10 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

11 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

12 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

13 Scams Everyone Should Be Aware Of (13 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (4 Feb 2014 02:46) Total user comments: 1436

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the ebay/paypal one is very real,i have come across it several times when selling a pc. They always try to buy it for more than the lsiting price,often they work on an offshore oil-rig and ask you to send it to another address. also mostly they talk like someone who is very religious. watch out people!!
№2 Author: No1 (4 Feb 2014 03:38) Total user comments: 1621

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#8 is true/annoying as well. Every time I would be at the mall with my daughter they'd approach me. I always got "angry" with them for bothering me. My daughter and I would laugh about it afterwards. Sleazy.
№3 Author: Gi-Joe (4 Feb 2014 16:05) Total user comments: 960

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#10, I get that call every few months, as soon as I tell them where I get my supplies from they hang up quick.
№4 Author: Louie (5 Feb 2014 21:31) Total user comments: 8189

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№5 Author: flow (7 Feb 2014 11:38) Total user comments: 0

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multi level marketing is far from a scam...yes u pay the company but getting ppl to buy in is the key...yes vemma cost 150 a month but once a certin cycle is achieved then ur product is paid for and everything after that is profit... been in for a a company paid for BMW and make 4000 a month...

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