Upside Down Cars (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 6989  |
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One guy noticed these cars in New Hampshire. What did happen there?

1 Upside Down Cars (4 pics)

2 Upside Down Cars (4 pics)

3 Upside Down Cars (4 pics)

4 Upside Down Cars (4 pics)

№1 Author: robn1 (3 Feb 2014 07:37) Total user comments: 810

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Good question, what is/was going on? :15: :15:
№2 Author: 1234 (3 Feb 2014 10:23) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: maybe some 1 was filming something there
№3 Author: Gi-Joe (3 Feb 2014 16:16) Total user comments: 960

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Looks like a government building in the background so maybe they are filming an explosion scene for a movie.
№4 Author: Lu (3 Feb 2014 19:27) Total user comments: 15132

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Australian car park?
№5 Author: lepetitrat (3 Feb 2014 21:56) Total user comments: 66

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U.F.O. :05:

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