Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 7890  |
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There are more than 300 million empty shipping containers just sitting around at ports all around the world. Poteet Architects, a Texas based architecture firm had the great idea that they could be used to create the perfect guest house.

1 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

2 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

3 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

4 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

5 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

6 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

7 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

8 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

9 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

10 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

11 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

12 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

13 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

14 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)

15 Shipping Container Home (15 pics)


№1 Author: asdasdasd (3 Feb 2014 11:39) Total user comments: 0

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Oh, this is so unique & nobody has ever done something like that before. This is like reinventing the wheel or something.
Its just like Russian engineers used to invent unique things ....from models & schematics looted from ze Germany.

However the idea itself from wherever it actually originated is great - I'm going to use one or two to build a country side house / cottage.
№2 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (3 Feb 2014 19:13) Total user comments: 123

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Really cool.
№3 Author: Lu (3 Feb 2014 21:52) Total user comments: 15132

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AC had a post before of a dude who put two of them together. Also a neat job.

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