Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 9089  |
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1 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

2 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

3 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

4 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

5 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

6 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

7 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

8 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

9 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

10 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

11 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

12 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

13 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

14 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

15 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

16 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

17 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

18 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

19 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

20 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

21 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

22 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

23 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

24 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)

25 Animals Responsible For Killing The Most Humans (25 pics)


№1 Author: capt.huffnpuff (3 Feb 2014 11:38) Total user comments: 2822

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#2 "Dingoes -This is another animal that rarely attacks humans, but when they do it typically occurs in Australia". Do you suppose that is because that is where the most dingoes are? Sort of like most Hippo attacks occur in Africa.
№2 Author: Maxid (3 Feb 2014 16:28) Total user comments: 694

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#6 - "...10 are fatal and often lead to death."
#15 - "...can fatally kill humans."

Okkkayyy, then.
№3 Author: CoyDog (3 Feb 2014 17:02) Total user comments: 135

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WTF?!?! This is the most BULLSHIT list I have ever seen.
№4 Author: Lu (3 Feb 2014 20:58) Total user comments: 15132

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Agreed - 'there really is nobody better at killing us than we are'.
№5 Author: Aindy (3 Feb 2014 21:40) Total user comments: 2863

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Id say less research went into this than the time it took me to write this post.
№6 Author: Bitofinger (18 Oct 2014 19:28) Total user comments: 747

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lol was thinking the same thing

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