DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Jan, 2014  |
  • Views: 10851  |
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Doesn't look like a real Vertu. But nice try anyway.

1 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

2 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

3 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

4 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

5 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

6 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

7 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

8 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

9 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

10 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

11 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

12 DIY Vertu Phone (12 pics)

№1 Author: AlienShooter (31 Jan 2014 04:56) Total user comments: 1206

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Is this a case for Nokia 3310...
No way, 3310 doesn't need case... lol.
№2 Author: candysack (31 Jan 2014 05:37) Total user comments: 1436

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Mate if you tried to copy a Vertu, you failed big time... mostly because this looks pretty neat and the vertu is an overpriced pice of shit for overcompensating people how like to overcompensate over their slightly less overcompensating friends
№3 Author: adzhoe (31 Jan 2014 08:36) Total user comments: 15111

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Looks phoney...
№4 Author: szagi (31 Jan 2014 13:29) Total user comments: 426

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Vertu ?
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (31 Jan 2014 15:51) Total user comments: 10834

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Who has Nokia need not to do all this :04:
№6 Author: Aindy (1 Feb 2014 21:48) Total user comments: 2863

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I thought the iphone was 'an overpriced pice of shit for overcompensating people how like to overcompensate over their slightly less overcompensating friends'
№7 Author: saint357 (1 Feb 2014 22:44) Total user comments: 2366

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Nice skill set, bit much though for the phone and just a little over kill. :12: :11: :56:

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