This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Jan, 2014  |
  • Views: 10726  |
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This is how Chinese students keep themselves awake at night.

1 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

2 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

3 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

4 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

5 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

6 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

7 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

8 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

9 This Is How Chinese Students Study at Night (9 pics)

№1 Author: robn1 (30 Jan 2014 05:05) Total user comments: 810

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# 5 and # 6 look a little risky. :13: :15:
№2 Author: nimbuszhang (30 Jan 2014 05:45) Total user comments: 188

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#5 is playing game
№3 Author: candysack (30 Jan 2014 05:52) Total user comments: 1436

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#5 works for late night gaming and for autoerotique asphyxiation too :04:
№4 Author: unp (30 Jan 2014 12:22) Total user comments: 0

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bullshit... if you don't get enough sleep, it doesn't matter how hard you study, you'll remember nothing.
№5 Author: Lu (30 Jan 2014 19:51) Total user comments: 15132

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Anybody hanged him/herself lately?

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