The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Jan, 2014  |
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What do you think about it?

1 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

2 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

3 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

4 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

5 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

6 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

7 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

8 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

9 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

10 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

11 The First-Ever Gay Couple on Disney (11 pics)

№1 Author: Hugo (30 Jan 2014 05:28) Total user comments: 0

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so much intolerance in the land of the freedom.
№2 Author: candysack (30 Jan 2014 05:50) Total user comments: 1436

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well if, from the beginning, you teach your kid that it is ok that some couples are daddy and daddy or mummy and mummy, then they wont find the situation wierd. however, if you teach them that this is something to freak the fuck out about, then they will freak out about it
№3 Author: unp (30 Jan 2014 12:18) Total user comments: 0

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let's be honest, those lesbians should be short-haired and fat
№4 Author: R (30 Jan 2014 14:08) Total user comments: 0

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way to be a bigot with a cliche stereotype


yeah I know right?! it's ONE episode of a show that is ending soon anyway! jesus people get a fucking grip! you notice they don't seem to care about how most of the girls dress on these shows though. (I actually only watch GLC and I love it and can't wait to see the entire 4th and final season in its entirety on Neftlix streaming.)
№5 Author: styopa (30 Jan 2014 15:43) Total user comments: 1538

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1) nobody minds attractive lesbians
2) attractive lesbians* are about as realistic as anything else in Hollywood.

*ok granted, there ARE some good looking lesbians, but most are dumpy, ugly chicks. The hot ones are so far down the road to crazytown they're beyond salvage.
№6 Author: strangelfreak (30 Jan 2014 21:14) Total user comments: 3

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its 2014 ! still ppl get offended by fictitious characters ... don't let idiots ruin your day :12:
№7 Author: Jongos (2 Feb 2014 05:23) Total user comments: 9

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gay is sexual interest, are you want the children lost its innocent? adult theme for adult and kids theme for kids! :13: ! nothing to do with tolerance!!

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