Very Sad Text Story (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Jan, 2014  |
  • Views: 15777  |
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It's really sad and I mean it.

1 Very Sad Text Story (4 pics)

2 Very Sad Text Story (4 pics)

3 Very Sad Text Story (4 pics)

4 Very Sad Text Story (4 pics)

№1 Author: mobius (30 Jan 2014 01:56) Total user comments: 1073

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I hate drunk drivers.
№2 Author: robn1 (30 Jan 2014 05:18) Total user comments: 810

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I hate losing loved ones. :02:
№3 Author: CoyDog (30 Jan 2014 05:56) Total user comments: 135

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If they didn't find the guy who did it, how did they know he was drunk?
№4 Author: eps (30 Jan 2014 12:12) Total user comments: 0

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Because it's another scam :-/
№5 Author: fairmania (30 Jan 2014 13:45) Total user comments: 1460

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CoyDog, I would expect there to have been enough witnesses and other supporting evidence from the scene to make a qualified guess.

Maybe one day science will allow those who kill others in situations like this to experience the emotions of that loss, and maybe even live with it long term.

A sad story indeed!
№6 Author: Lu (30 Jan 2014 19:34) Total user comments: 15132

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Sad . . . if true.
№7 Author: dc (31 Jan 2014 20:24) Total user comments: 0

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I don't give a damn if this is true or not. Drunk drivers cause sad stories like this all the time, killing daughters, mothers, friends, loved ones.

Do not drink and drive.


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