The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jan, 2014  |
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The Wars within

1 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

A macrophage (x18000), a human defense cell, seeking to engulf droplets of oil.

T-cell under attack from HIV

2 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

A major component of the immune system, a helper t-cell is under attack by Hiv/ AIDS (blue)


3 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

latecomers in immunesystem evolution, B-cells, like this specimen covered with bacteria, produce armies of anti-bodies whose sole purpose is to attack a single kind of pathogen.

On the attack

4 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Malaria protozoa have multiplied in two cells in a culture dish of red blood cells. One has burst open releasing the parasites to infect other cells

Skin tissue

5 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

First line of defense agains armies of dangerous microorganisms, skin tissue is able to mend itself rapidly after injury.

Cell eater

6 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

First step in phagocytosis, or "cell eating" a macrophage extends several pseudopods from it's singlecelled form to embrace a number of E-coli bacteria

Bacteria Trap

7 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Bacteria trapped within an extension of a macrophage membrane


8 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Powerful chemicals inside the macrophage will breakdown and destroy the components of invading cells.

A macrophage reaches out

9 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Like a vision from science fiction, a macrophage reaches out to ensnare bacteria with a cellular extension called a pseudopod.


10 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

One of mankind's greatest inorganic threats, asbestos fibres are engulfed by a macrophage which will probably die from it's indigestible meal.


11 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

mutiny in the body is a constant occurrence, many believe, as healthy cells somehow escape the mechanisms that regulate cell growth and turn cancerous. Fortunately, antigens on their surfaces sometimes alter slightly, changing from self to non-self. Thus the cells become targets for Killer T-cells, like these surrounding this large cancer cell.

Killer T's

12 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Frozen in action, killer T cells appear remarkably alive as they attack a cancer cell. Several of the normally round T-cells acquire the elongated shape of active fighters as they subject their target to chemical attack, breaking down the cell membrane.


13 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

After a cancer cell loses it's cytoplasm, only a fibrous skelleton is left, here surrounding a T-cell.


14 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

Overzealous immune responses, allergic reactions plague humans who produce certain unnecessary antibodies.


15 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

A renegade immune system has ravaged a (surgically removed) femur of a 50 year old women suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Most common of al the autoimmune disorders.

Very devious

16 The War Within Our Body (16 pics)

The common cold virus, constantly mutates to avoid detection. Just how totally viruses can overcome a healthy host is seen when an infected human cell ruptures, releasing a stream of new viruses (blue) into the system.

№1 Author: kryptor (29 Jan 2014 05:50) Total user comments: 4840

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Truly Fascinating ... I could stand a few more posts like this.
№2 Author: Lalimule (29 Jan 2014 14:33) Total user comments: 140

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№3 Author: velio70 (29 Jan 2014 17:00) Total user comments: 1751

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nature be scary
№4 Author: Lu (29 Jan 2014 23:40) Total user comments: 15132

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Excellent post, to say the least.
№5 Author: shade (31 Jan 2014 00:17) Total user comments: 1634

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one of those rare moments, when we all cheer for the same team.

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