That’s Commitment (8 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jan, 2014  |
  • Views: 7003  |
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This guy is hilarious.

1 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

2 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

3 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

4 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

5 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

6 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

7 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

8 That’s Commitment (8 pics)

№1 Author: morrel2 (29 Jan 2014 03:22) Total user comments: 682

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№2 Author: randomdude735 (29 Jan 2014 04:16) Total user comments: 507

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Ya cheep bastard, just pay for your meal.... :02:
№3 Author: dc (29 Jan 2014 12:54) Total user comments: 0

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The waiter(s) just wanted to cheer you up, you dumbass. Return to the restaurant, tell em your trick and give them a HUGE tip.
№4 Author: Son Of A Gunderson (29 Jan 2014 18:27) Total user comments: 123

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I'm sure the waiter appreciated the break from monotony that accompanies his job.
№5 Author: Lu (29 Jan 2014 23:18) Total user comments: 15132

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Somebody down the line is paying for that food.

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