Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Jan, 2014  |
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Truly amazing.

1 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

This is a painting

2 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

3 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

A visual representation of how it feels when your leg falls asleep

4 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

One Earth day

5 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

6 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

7 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Wave viewed from underwater

8 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Bust made of Paper

9 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

10 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

The van Gogh is kicking in

11 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

12 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

How Mars would look if it still had Water

13 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Optical illusion of cut-out and fold characters

14 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

15 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Power Of Erosion

16 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Camera-stabilizing technology used in spoon for Parkinson’s patients.

17 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

18 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Outdoor wind sculpture

19 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Table held up by buckets resting on it

20 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

21 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Andromeda’s actual size if it was brighter

22 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Smoke bubble juggle

23 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

24 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)


25 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

A light bulb on the climax of its existence

26 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Standing above the clouds in the alps

27 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Canoeing In A Crystal Clear Lake

28 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

3D Projections on Trees

29 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

30 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

31 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

32 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

Gaudi was a genius

33 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)

34 Amazing Stuff (34 pics)


№1 Author: percytard (27 Jan 2014 03:41) Total user comments: 110

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  • Like does this work?
№2 Author: CoyDog (27 Jan 2014 05:32) Total user comments: 135

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Percytard: the table isn't holding up the buckets.
№3 Author: adzhoe (27 Jan 2014 06:25) Total user comments: 15111

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Some amazing pictures
№4 Author: wipal (27 Jan 2014 10:41) Total user comments: 116

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woo que bueno hay imgenes muy espectaculares.
№5 Author: Vladimir Harkonnen (27 Jan 2014 13:58) Total user comments: 0

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@ 7 No. The books I read are a different combination of 35 letters ;-)
№6 Author: No1 (27 Jan 2014 18:14) Total user comments: 1621

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#7 - Not true if you don't read English. Many other languages have more than 26 letters.

#11 is from Doctor Who. Good episode too.

#17 is very cool. I wonder if they've begun production.

#26 is a camera flash-bulb. It is designed to give a single flash and be replaced.
№7 Author: Lu (27 Jan 2014 22:17) Total user comments: 15132

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Excellent post. :04: :21:
№8 Author: DataLynk (27 Jan 2014 22:23) Total user comments: 0

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Each Bucket is connected to a string..... the string goes up to a pulley and down to the table where the other end connects.... the combined weight of the buckets is greater than that of the table..... gravity pulls harder on the buckets, which pull down on the string...through the pulley.... which pull up on the table...... Viola... #20 explained
№9 Author: Scoobs (27 Jan 2014 23:58) Total user comments: 1653

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good stuff

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