Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Dec, 2013  |
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Amateur hiker tackles the Great Wall of China. Here is his 4-day journey.

The trailhead. I read in a guidebook, that you can follow the wall for 4 days into another village. I can't deny that they did not warn me about the trail.

1 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

The climate is hot and humid, but the views are great

2 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

This section is not officially open to the public, however locals installed a ladder and charge money for entering the wall.

3 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

4 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

I did not find any water in that valley. I realize that I have a serious problem. However, I decided to move on anyway. I knew that was a bad decision, but I am not rational when I am thirsty.

5 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

The wall is not completely restored from this point on.

6 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

At some point, I realize, that I need water and that I have to walk all the way back into the village. On the way to the village, I stop to sweat and it feels very strange. I was on the edge of collapse at that point. I had the feeling that if I rest now, that I would not be able to get up again.

7 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

Finally in the village,I collect as many empty bottles on the side of the road and fill them up at a water tap and purify the water. Now I got more that 8,5 liters. Time to restart the hike.

8 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

When I am up at the wall again in the late evening, there is a thunderstorm, and I am pretty exposed on the wall. After I took that picture, I start to run.

9 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

I find shelter in a tower on the wall.

10 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

Since It is dark, I decide to spend the night here. Pretty windy, but dry.

11 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

I start very early to avoid the heat of the day. I decide to hike as long as the water will get me. I realize that it is impossible to hike to the next village. Fortunately I found a full 2 liter bottle of water in that tower. Good, that I got water purification chemicals with me.

12 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

13 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

The wall is only partially restored here.

14 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

15 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

There is no trash anywhere and the trail is very small. I doubt many people come up here. There is nobody up there.

16 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

I don't have climbing experience, but I have to pass this cliff. The rocks were easy to climb, however the desolate stairs at top freaked me out. I had to pull myself up on that loose stones. It was probably the most dangerous situation I've ever experienced. Even a broken leg can mean death through dehydration out there. I should have brought at least a cellphone.

17 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

On the steep steps above, I take a picture of myself, because I wanted to know how I look like when I am scared. I also realize, that I eventually have to go back down here.

18 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

The ridge is only a little bit restored. The original wall is just a pile of stones.

19 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

20 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

My lunch. Bread with penguin sausage. At top of the first peak, I decide to return back down. There seam to be an old trail down there.

21 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

I crawled down there somehow. The trail was there, but so overgrown and hardly used, that I only saw it on the GPS. I slipped about 3 times on that path.

22 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

23 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)

At last a panoramic shot from the morning scene. I reached the street down there and managed to get a bus into a bigger town and another one to a Beijing subwaystation.

24 Great Wall Hike (24 pics)


№1 Author: BuhaGolasa (16 Dec 2013 14:51) Total user comments: 0

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"I should have brought at least a cellphone." - you dont say?!
№2 Author: Dud76 (16 Dec 2013 15:00) Total user comments: 183

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Penguin sausage?
№3 Author: Gi-Joe (16 Dec 2013 15:49) Total user comments: 960

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Must have been an awesome experience. :04:
№4 Author: Jay (16 Dec 2013 21:41) Total user comments: 0

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So he messed around on the great wall for 2 days (including a wasted day with no water) with no prep, no medical equipment and no way to contact civilization if something happened. What. an. Idiot.

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