Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Oct, 2013  |
  • Views: 6116  |
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173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team during the training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center in Hohenfels, Germany. The Afghans are played by local employees.

1 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

2 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

3 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

4 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

5 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

6 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

7 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

8 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

9 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

10 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

11 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

12 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

13 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

14 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

15 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

16 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

17 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

18 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

19 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

20 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

21 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

22 Afghanistan in the Middle of Germany (22 pics)

№1 Author: capt.huffnpuff (1 Oct 2013 07:04) Total user comments: 2822

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Except that there are no trees in Afghanistan to speak of.
№2 Author: Lu (1 Oct 2013 21:25) Total user comments: 15132

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What! No real sheep?

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