Fun Facts. Part 6 (24 pics)

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  • 26 Aug, 2013  |
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Fun Facts. Part 6 (24 pics)

№1 Author: m0ck0 (26 Aug 2013 02:09) Total user comments: 149

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21 i dont think it was that jesse james
№2 Author: capt.huffnpuff (26 Aug 2013 04:18) Total user comments: 2822

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#24 Mozilla got two cupcakes this month. 23.0 was so bad that they had to release 23.0.1 within a week.
№3 Author: OldOllie (26 Aug 2013 05:22) Total user comments: 2136

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#23 I thought that was called the "Obama Effect." :17:
№4 Author: NIA666 (26 Aug 2013 15:00) Total user comments: 0

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24. Wow, I didn't know that MS employees are such a cool chaps. Well played IE, you have my respect.
№5 Author: fluorescentG (26 Aug 2013 17:01) Total user comments: 3959

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i must now contemplate what i've learned
№6 Author: Lu (26 Aug 2013 20:39) Total user comments: 15132

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#5 And the voices, what about the voices? ?
№7 Author: Louie (26 Aug 2013 23:22) Total user comments: 8189

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