London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jul, 2013  |
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Roma gypsies refuse to leave parks in central London. Germany, France, the UK. It seems like many Roma gypsies moved from Romania to the Western Europe after Romania has joined the European Union. This is what one shop owner from London says:

'They really smell, they don't clean, they don't shower, and they will not wash their hands. I serve them here every day. The way I serve them, I say to them stay outside the shop. I have asthma so the smell is not good for me.

1 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

2 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

3 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

4 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

5 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

6 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

7 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

8 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

9 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

10 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

11 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

12 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

13 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

14 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

15 London Occupied by Gypsies (15 pics)

№1 Author: velio70 (18 Jul 2013 05:30) Total user comments: 1751

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well England, welcome to the scourge of mainland Europe. Gypsies have no mother country. Every other Eastern European country has them, not only Romania. They're purpose in life is to bottom feed. Wish I could say something nicer, but I've had to many first hand experiences to say otherwise.
№2 Author: rodrigozanatta (18 Jul 2013 06:00) Total user comments: 695

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Let's do a exchange. You give-me your gypsies and we give you our crack addicts from our "cracolandia" in brazil.

Things can even be worst..
№3 Author: Jack796 (18 Jul 2013 10:01) Total user comments: 94

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Every summer they come in "little" groups about: 500-1000+ Gypsies to beg free money, free food, everything for free. And the finnish goverment is giving them all they need for free. Even at end of summer 300€ for person to get "home country" some where else :13:

There main jobs are: Car hijacking, steal old people, steal from shops, steal caravan home's and make those "little" dirty camp's, beg at big city's (beggers are just in work, they have BIG boss who takes all income). So :58: to Finland.

And YES we have crack addicts and alcoholic's too..
№4 Author: Bobby (18 Jul 2013 10:28) Total user comments: 1475

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They are romanian gypsies because Romania was the only country that accepted those nomads to settle down (well, together with the Hungarians and other countries that were on the border with the "civilised" Europe). They are nomad indians that travelled around the world since ages, coming from India. They travelled around in search of a better place to scavenge from and settled in the Eastern European countries because the doors were shut until now.
And EU preaches Romania about how they are racists. Well, then please tell me why don't you accept them like Romania did, dear non-racist European countries?
Enjoy some cultural diversity and stop blaiming the Eastern European countries for not keeping the moving trash. :P
№5 Author: sabac (18 Jul 2013 10:43) Total user comments: 71

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nothing nice to say.. gypsies are a menace!
№6 Author: mantley rawson (18 Jul 2013 11:54) Total user comments: 361

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70 years ago : wasn't it a mistake for America to go to war against the guys who had found a solution to this problem ?
№7 Author: Keta (18 Jul 2013 11:56) Total user comments: 386

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I say one thing for communism, they made everybody work, even them. Now that Romania is "free", they mostly turned to crime. These guys hate working and will do anything but work. Even washing seems tedious to them.
№8 Author: ottovp (18 Jul 2013 12:19) Total user comments: 582

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