People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Jul, 2013  |
  • Views: 13126  |
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Vintage photos of New York City.

A Policeman

1 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Postman

2 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

3 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Messenger Boy

4 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

5 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Street Sweeper With His Cart

6 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Peddler Selling Shoe Strings

7 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Grindstoner

8 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

New Immigrants

9 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

10 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

An Organ Grinder

11 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

12 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Street Sweeper

13 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

14 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

Snow Removal

15 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

16 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Man Selling Suspenders

17 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Man Selling Sponges

18 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Man Selling Pretzels

19 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

Bootblacks At City Hall

20 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

21 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

22 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Newspaper Boy And Girl

23 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

24 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

25 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

26 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Man With Watering Cans

27 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Parade By Central Park

28 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

The Fire Department

29 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Double Decker Bus

30 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Streetcar

31 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Policeman With A Street Sweeper

32 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)

A Cabbie

33 People of New York in the Late 1800s (33 pics)


№1 Author: DVDA (5 Jul 2013 03:42) Total user comments: 0

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they're all dead.
№2 Author: capt.huffnpuff (5 Jul 2013 03:49) Total user comments: 2822

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№3 Author: Lu (5 Jul 2013 21:36) Total user comments: 15132

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They look totally different than people today.
№4 Author: Jomster (6 Jul 2013 11:04) Total user comments: 0

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They look more civilized and polished than people from some countries even in 2013... like say India :)

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