Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Feb, 2013  |
  • Views: 6905  |
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Let's take a walk around the new Goole office in Stockholm.

Other Google Offices:
New Google Office in Moscow (49 pics)
New Google Office in Tel Aviv (52 pics)
Google London's Office (25 pics)
Google Office in Zurich (50 pics)
New Google Office in Zurich. Part 2 (68 pics)

1 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

2 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

3 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

4 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

5 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

6 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

7 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

8 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

9 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

10 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

11 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

12 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

13 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

14 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

15 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

16 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

17 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

18 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

19 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

20 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

21 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

22 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

23 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

24 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

25 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

26 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

27 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

28 Google Office in Stockholm (28 pics)

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