Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

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  • 9 Nov, 2012  |
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A former US Air Force pilot Dale Zelko and Zoltan Dani, the former commander of a Yugoslav anti-aircraft rocket unit, met face-to-face in Dani’s kitchen in Serbia after years of engaging in an unlikely correspondence. During the Kosovo War of 1999, Zelko's F 117 'stealth fighter' was shot by Dani, whose unit at the time was low on morale and resources.

1 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

2 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

3 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

4 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

5 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

6 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

7 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

8 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

9 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

10 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

11 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

12 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

13 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

14 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

15 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

16 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

17 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

18 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

19 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

20 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

21 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

22 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

23 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

24 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

25 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

26 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

27 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

28 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

29 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

30 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

31 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

32 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

33 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

34 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

35 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)

36 Unlikely Friends (36 pics)


№1 Author: Shalaba (9 Nov 2012 02:27) Total user comments: 381

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that's just proves that people do not want war - stupid governments do.. and who keeps dying in war? definitely not people from government 02 we should stand against war and against unfair politicians.. 05
№2 Author: Jericho (9 Nov 2012 05:07) Total user comments: 670

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Serbian guy is a pure idiot. To make friends with a man who PERSONALLY threw bombs at his people. Oh wait, he knocked down his airplane in return? I guess it makes it even then?!
№3 Author: velio70 (9 Nov 2012 05:32) Total user comments: 1751

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hey, you above me. don't forget why Serbian positions were bombed... thousands of innocent civilians were being massacred to no end in front of a world stage. Repeated attempts were made to diplomatically stop the violence on civilians. Enough was enough and now each former Yugoslavian nation is dealing with their dark past. These two former enemies coming together is called "progress" and they are moving forward to a more civilized future. I wish everyone else would join them.
№4 Author: miscellaneous (9 Nov 2012 07:44) Total user comments: 4179

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velio70, Thank you, couldn't have said it better.

BTW ... they used the cell phone towers linked together
to detect the stealth plane ... pretty ingenious
№5 Author: zapata (9 Nov 2012 10:36) Total user comments: 0

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velio70, have you ever asked your self if everything you hear from your goverment and in the media is the whole truth? actually, ethnic cleansing in kosovo started when the bombing campaign ended.all of the military actions done by the serbs before bombardments were... well, similiar to usa war against terorism. but what do you care, you heard only one side of the story. american hypocrisy at it's finest
№6 Author: franzee (9 Nov 2012 11:26) Total user comments: 67

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exactly like that. I left it long behind me, but telling me, who lives in serbia for more than 30 years, in environment where there is more ethnicity then you can imagine (my father is hungarian, my mother croatian), where in every school you have classes in your maternal language (including albanian for kids on kosovo) that there was any kind of ethnic cleansing is just ignorant and ridiculous. and it's made up like weapons of mass destruction in iraq.
like zapata said ethnic cleansing started with that bobardment.
№7 Author: Jericho (9 Nov 2012 11:50) Total user comments: 670

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velio70, good that you follow news...but not good that you take it all for truth. I'm from Serbia, and I'd say I know A LOT more on the topic, wouldn't you think?
This is not progress, this is retardation. Imagine American pilot of Enola Gay meeting some pilot from Japan and hugging him?!
№8 Author: MonkeyMonster (9 Nov 2012 11:52) Total user comments: 241

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Um, Zapata, Franzee, and Jericho: you probably should go brush up on your history, because you sound ridiculous. The massacre at Srebrenica didn't happen until 1995 (late in the war), but genocide/"ethnic cleansing" and other warcrimes were already rampant long before full UN intervention.

Bosnia and Herzegovina brought suit against the Serb Republic for genocide as early as 1993. The bombings that you're decrying occured in 1995.

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
№9 Author: dingo (9 Nov 2012 12:04) Total user comments: 35

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№10 Author: mashie5 (9 Nov 2012 12:31) Total user comments: 1357

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am i the only one who thought it was cool how their first and last names look almost like they are a swapped version of each others?
№11 Author: KIMI (9 Nov 2012 14:48) Total user comments: 0

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№12 Author: zapata (9 Nov 2012 14:51) Total user comments: 0

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MonkeyMonster, we were not talking about srebrenica here. that was the worst war crime in the recent history of this world and no one normal in serbia denies that, but there is some responsibility of bosnian muslims leaders for what happened there and they all got away with it. bombing campaign we are talking about happened in 1999 and was a lame excuse for throwing a nuclear waste on my country. my best friend died of cancer caused of radiation so you can be assured that i brushed my history and info about what happened at that time pretty good
№13 Author: Jericho (9 Nov 2012 14:54) Total user comments: 670

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PLEASE do tell me more, I would love to hear more "facts" from you. When you say it was 1995, I don't need to contradict to any of your other "facts". There was no war going on in 1995, the bombing of Serbia was in 1999.

Or maybe: I was sleeping in bomb shelters 4 years after the bombing, because I was misinformed?
№14 Author: velio70 (9 Nov 2012 16:33) Total user comments: 1751

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franzee, yeah, srebrenica and sarajevo never happenedzapata, I'm sorry, but you're absolutely wrong to say that the war on terror (as fucked up as it is) is like what happened in Bosnia. Besides the random acts of violence by individual American soldiers in the Middle East, America did not have a campaign specifically targeting entire civilian populations of a city. American soldiers did not systematically sniper shoot at women going out to get water or food for their family. America did not siege entire cities with mortar fire for years, basically starving the population. I'm not advocating what America is doing in the Middle East, in fact it's dead wrong, but there's a huge difference in these conflicts.
№15 Author: roraflores (9 Nov 2012 18:29) Total user comments: 65

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In Argentina happened the same with a former UK soldier that shot down an argentinian plane during Malvina's war. After years, they met in Córdoba, here in Argentina, and the UK soldier give him back his helmet to prove that he had a terrible sadness during almost 20 years thinking that he was a murderer. Finally he knew that he was not a murderer and the argentinian pilot was alive. It was the happiest moments of both finding that behind the image of enemies, they didn't have any differences at all. They were both good souls.

En Argentina sucedió lo mismo una ves con un militar de Inglaterra que derribo un avión argentino, durante la guerra de Malvinas. El ingles paso 20 años pensando que era un asesino cuando supo que seguía vivo el piloto argentino. Volvió a Argentina y se reunieron en Córdoba Argentina para verse y devolverle el casco de piloto que tenia. Esto prueba que detrás de cada guerra hay también almas.
№16 Author: verdecauncastravete (9 Nov 2012 19:38) Total user comments: 1239

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War stinks, politicians stinks
№17 Author: Lu (9 Nov 2012 21:10) Total user comments: 15132

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Forgive, forget and make friends.
№18 Author: matrona (10 Nov 2012 17:42) Total user comments: 14

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it is a new history ahead, people ! Making a cake together is the future .

This men are awesome .

it is a new history ahead, people ! Making a cake together is the future .

This men are awesome .

You should have a heart to do this .

№19 Author: salsapopo (11 Nov 2012 14:23) Total user comments: 12723

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