5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Oct, 2012  |
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William Utermohlen was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1995, and from that moment on, he began to try to understand it by painting himself.


1 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)


2 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)

3 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)


4 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)


5 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)

6 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)


7 5 Years of Alzheimer (7 pics)

№1 Author: Jimmy Johnson (24 Oct 2012 03:28) Total user comments: 5518

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"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allen Poe

№2 Author: miscellaneous (24 Oct 2012 04:53) Total user comments: 4179

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how sad

An ex-girlfriend of mine use to care for her Grandfather who had Alzheimer.
He could be led around and asked to do basic things but was otherwise completely unaware of his surroundings. I stopped by one day and she was very upset.
She told me that the two of them were sitting in the living room watching TV
when he suddenly 'came to' looked around looked at his hands and then at her
and asked "How long have I been away". She told him it had been several years
since he had been lucid. She said he started crying and then slowly slipped back
into oblivion.

I cannot fathom 'coming to' and realizing, actually understanding THAT.

What a horrible disease.
№3 Author: pachakuan (24 Oct 2012 06:31) Total user comments: 243

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i so sad this situation
№4 Author: thughugger (24 Oct 2012 12:22) Total user comments: 1015

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This is a nasty illness, the sooner they find a cure or prevention the better.
Its a huge problem because of the wests ageing population.
№5 Author: fairmania (24 Oct 2012 12:40) Total user comments: 1460

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A cruel illness, only made more obvious in those few paintings.

For all of lifes rewards, there are some prices too high to pay.
№6 Author: Jinxaruny (24 Oct 2012 19:25) Total user comments: 10324

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No-one deserves this illness!
№7 Author: Lu (24 Oct 2012 20:33) Total user comments: 15132

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In some 'golden years', no gold can be found. Sad.
№8 Author: Shalaba (24 Oct 2012 20:34) Total user comments: 381

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such a sad illness.. not only people having it have to suffer, but their families as well.
№9 Author: funkotronic (24 Oct 2012 23:23) Total user comments: 363

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Doctor-assisted suicide should be universally made available.

Doctor-assisted suicide should be universally made available.

Doctor-assisted suicide should be universally made available.
№10 Author: sergiofx (25 Oct 2012 11:35) Total user comments: 719

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wow... that story brought tears to my eyes.... thank you for sharing it
№11 Author: pash.maloo (27 Oct 2012 22:27) Total user comments: 1713

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sad portrayl
№12 Author: adzhoe (9 Nov 2012 21:56) Total user comments: 15111

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Poignant, ...
№13 Author: salemthegoddess (9 Nov 2012 23:41) Total user comments: 0

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miscellaneous, This story has affected me on a very deep level. I am reminded of my Grandpa Joe who died of Parkinsons and one day his mind was just gone. we never heard from him again.

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