People Chewing Khat (15 pics)

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  • 4 May, 2012  |
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People Chewing Khat (15 pics)

№1 Author: Nsibai (4 May 2012 00:52) Total user comments: 5694

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tfeh 13
№2 Author: needmorecowbell (4 May 2012 02:50) Total user comments: 31

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Shits nasty. Tried it in Afghanistan and UAE. blahh
№3 Author: NooFoo (4 May 2012 04:26) Total user comments: 799

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prolly don't drive and get into accidents, prolly don't get wasted and fight...prolly addictive, but less harmful than alcohol, truth yo
№4 Author: Jimmy Johnson (4 May 2012 04:54) Total user comments: 5518

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It doesn't matter where you live, people will always find a way to get high.
№5 Author: Tumbarrancho (4 May 2012 05:18) Total user comments: 5

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Gucatela 13 39
№6 Author: pash.maloo (4 May 2012 06:01) Total user comments: 1713

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good to know that the army dudes are high
№7 Author: adzhoe (4 May 2012 07:25) Total user comments: 15110

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Well, that explains a lot
№8 Author: October19th (4 May 2012 07:27) Total user comments: 183

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№9 Author: sokmnk69 (4 May 2012 07:48) Total user comments: 21

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Where can I get some?
№10 Author: quackers (4 May 2012 11:37) Total user comments: 4830

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I always said being a Veggie was bad for you,.,.,.
№11 Author: mashie5 (4 May 2012 11:42) Total user comments: 1357

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it doesnt get you high.
its a stimulant like coffee or high caffeine soda
№12 Author: mahedi (4 May 2012 11:59) Total user comments: 10772

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Hummm, Drugs for vegetarian 04
№13 Author: mzycoolguy (4 May 2012 16:00) Total user comments: 502

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where the fuck on earth is that ??
№14 Author: choochwhocharlie (4 May 2012 16:30) Total user comments: 2136

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you are too funny coolguy. Nice photo.
I Just swallowed a wad
№15 Author: Shadoglare (4 May 2012 16:48) Total user comments: 505

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According to the Wiki it's "similar to strong coffee" as far as the effects.
Just, just drink coffee then - seems way less disgusting.
№16 Author: Garik (4 May 2012 21:54) Total user comments: 63

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we have our drugs, they have their's.
I don't see the problem.
№17 Author: johnny Reynoso (5 May 2012 00:22) Total user comments: 3712

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jajajajaajajajajaajaj 07

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