Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

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  • 4 Mar, 2011  |
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The controversial images captured in an anonymously distributed PDF file caused uproar and fed the current mass revolt happening in Bahrain.

1 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

2 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

3 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

4 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

5 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

6 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

7 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

8 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

9 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

10 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

11 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

12 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

13 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

14 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

15 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

16 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

17 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

18 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

19 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

20 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

21 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

22 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

23 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

24 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

25 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

26 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

27 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

28 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

29 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

30 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

31 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

32 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

33 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

34 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

35 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

36 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

37 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

38 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

39 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

40 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

41 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

42 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

43 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

44 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

45 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)

46 Why Revolutions Burst Out (46 pics)


№1 Author: raymond.wendt (4 Mar 2011 01:19) Total user comments: 9115

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OK, reading that felt like an interrogation. I didn't divide it up! Did I?!?
So, there's corruption in Bahrain? Really?! I'm not surprised. 23
№2 Author: MissGinette (4 Mar 2011 01:30) Total user comments: 612

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That's depressing...
№3 Author: Jimmy Johnson (4 Mar 2011 03:34) Total user comments: 5518

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We'll all meet our maker. That will be the great equalizer.
№4 Author: capt.huffnpuff (4 Mar 2011 05:06) Total user comments: 2822

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With many golf courses in Silicon Valley, scattered with multi-million dollars some in isolated enclaves, CEO's with private jets, America's cup yachts, Silicon Valley should be ripe for a rebellion. 08
№5 Author: miscellaneous (4 Mar 2011 06:16) Total user comments: 4179

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I'm becoming increasingly concerned about who is really behind all of these sudden
rebellions and uprisings.
№6 Author: Lord Dodo (4 Mar 2011 08:41) Total user comments: 2064

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miscellaneous, I think, THEY are. you will never see THEM in newspapers, but THEY are there. 10

its really time to stand up for those people... 04
№7 Author: Deathunter (4 Mar 2011 14:10) Total user comments: 91

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Imagine an Island that doesn't has any beach, is it possible?

Well, go to Bahrain and you will not find a single beach,

Why, because they all are private properties 13
№8 Author: Haro (4 Mar 2011 19:27) Total user comments: 551

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№9 Author: joffenbaker (4 Mar 2011 20:32) Total user comments: 4968

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DEATH TO THE BAHRAIN GOV"T! Ready? let's go people it's Revolution time kiddies! 79
№10 Author: thesoulshaker (5 Mar 2011 07:35) Total user comments: 1384

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WAR 79
№11 Author: pedro carlos (5 Mar 2011 11:43) Total user comments: 857

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№12 Author: sergiofx (5 Mar 2011 16:59) Total user comments: 719

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This is bullshit. Please please do NOT believe this! I am not Bahraini, but work and am currently residing in Bahrain. I am actually writing this now FROM Bahrain (check my IP if you want).

I swear to God this is all lies and all bullshit. There is more than enough space for EVERYONE to live here, and all the people who care about this place are living happily.

What the protesters are asking for is NOT fair and NOT reasonable.

To show you the demands of these people, I'll tell you about one of them.

Here in Bahrain, there is a housing system called "Iskan". This Iskan, which in arabic means "Living" is part of a goverment project to GIVE EVERY BAHRAINI A HOUSE once he gets married.

Yes, you read that correctly. Bahrainis DONT have to pay for their house, it is given to them by the royal family once a man gets married.

However, this doesnt happen fast. They have to wait around 5-10 years for them to get the house. During this time, the goverment pays each bahraini who is waiting around 300$ for rent, because of course, he will be living in a rental house.

Now some part of the Bahrainis are complaining that they are not getting the house fast enough. They are saying that the system is a joke because they have to wait around 10 years for that!

THIS is one their demands!

The other is because they want better jobs and salaries, even though most of them are NOT educated and do not have the experience or expertise to be in that job. Those who DO are some of the richest people I know, getting paid no less than 20.000$/month

The Royal Family have a lot of money and properties, yes, but they are NOT keeping anything from the public.

For Christ's sake, I pay no fucking taxes whatsoever! I only pay my bills, and yes, it's as cheap as you can imagine! I pay around 5$ worth of electricity every 2 months! Petrol? I pay exactly 212 cent/ Liter of Petrol. This means that to fill up my car, I pay roughly 7$, and that if it was on empty!

These are all lies and this is just an uprising funded by Iran to get rid of the American Base that they have here in Bahrain. The people are more than okay and happy and rich.

To compare the royal family to Gaddafi or Mubarak is a crime.

Sorry for the long post, but I am sick and tired of all these lies!
№13 Author: 2fuzzy (7 Mar 2011 19:18) Total user comments: 10400

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Interesting post sergiofx. Not sure why you are being downvoted with out a rebuttal post.
№14 Author: GhostChronos (28 Mar 2011 03:06) Total user comments: 2100

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