Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

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  • Yesterday, 00:04  |
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Rain on your pizza? Socks vanished in the dryer? This gallery is a pixelated hug wrapped in chaos. From toddlers mid-tantrum (why is the floor lava again ?) to coffee stains on white shirts that look like abstract art, it’s a reminder that chaos is universal—and laughing at it is survival. Bonus: May inspire you to adopt a “meh” attitude toward life’s plot twists, or at least invest in stain-resistant fabric.

1 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"A stock I’ve lost over 99% of my investment in got delisted"

2 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"I found ants floating in my ice maker."

3 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Finally decided to get something nice for myself :("

4 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Left a paper cup from the movie theater in my car for a few days, and the soda dissolved it."

5 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Guess my new cutting board wasn’t dishwasher safe…"

6 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"No more popcorn for me!"

7 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

8 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

9 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Guess the glass wasn't tempered?"

10 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"If we're doing f****d up diplomas, the post office ran mine over with a truck."

11 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"How my new credit card arrived yesterday"

12 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Plow guy drove into my car first thing in the morning."

13 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"First thing I see when I get into work today"

14 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"My car battery decided to kick the bucket while driving home"

15 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"I thought I removed all the paper tags before putting my new clothes in the washing machine?"

16 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Set my change jar on the ground not quite softly enough."

17 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Print took 12 hours to complete. Not even 5 minutes after I took it off the print bed…"

18 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Why are people like this"

19 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Travelled from New Zealand to Canada to snowboard just to break my wrist and hand on my first run."

20 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Was opening a fresh loaf of bread."

21 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Got this s***y cardboard fork with my poutine today"

22 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"4 years of hard work and $40,000 later, just for my diploma to get shipped to me like this."

23 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Accidentally cut through my central heating pipe with my multi tool.."

24 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Cat started making barf noises, so I shouted to get her to run into the kitchen where it would be easier to clean. She didn't make it."

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