Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

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  • Yesterday, 00:02  |
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Dads who build backyard rollercoasters, craft superhero costumes from cardboard, or turn pancakes into edible art. This gallery is a love letter to fathers who refuse to adult like everyone else. From the guy who installed a zipline in the living room to the legend who taught his kid calculus using Minecraft, these dads are rewriting the parenting playbook—one ridiculous project at a time. Warning: May cause nostalgia, a sudden urge to call your dad, or a DIY complex.

"My 2 Year Old's Insurance Won't Be Happy About This"

1 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

2 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Due To Popular Demand, Here's The Painting By My 5yo"

3 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"When My First Son Was Born, I Asked My Dad For What He'd Learned -- His Advice: "Bring A Camera". Best Parenting Advice I've Gotten. Here's Four Years Of Dad-Camming The "Unimportant" Days"

4 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Annual Photo Follow Up"

5 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"My Wife Normally Writes Notes For Our Daughter’s School Lunch. Since My Wife’s Away For Work, My Daughter Has Been Worried That “Dad’s Just Going To Draw A Stick Person.” Jokes On Her: I’m Going To Draw A S**t Tonne Of Stick People!"

6 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Ok To Gift This To My Brother?"

7 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"For The Dads With A Snow Day"

8 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"One Of My Favorite Gifts From My Daughter Haven't Taken It Off For 3 Years Now"

9 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

10 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

11 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

12 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

13 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

14 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"My 5yo Daughter Was A Costco Sample Lady For Halloween"

15 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"How Is She 6 Months And This Cool Already"

16 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Toddler Dads, Put A Slide In Your Living Room In The Winter Time. Trust Me. It Allows Them To Climb And Burn Energy Without Going Outside In The Cold, And They Love It"

17 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Saw Some Vandalism On A Parking Sign Today"

18 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"I Don't Need Maury To Tell Me Who The Father Is. No Denying He's My Son"

19 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"My Son Kept Saying “Elmo” In When He Was In The Bathroom…"

20 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Me, A First Time Dad Watching My Newborn Sleep And Can't Tell If He's Alive"

21 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Kiddo's First Time Trick Or Treating"

22 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"Psa: Party City Announced It’s Closing And This Huge Inflatable Igloo Is 50 Percent Off. Do With This Info With Whatever You Need"

23 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)

"My Son Has Been Begging For A Playstation Despite Behavior That Warrants Coal. Now I Have The Opportunity To The Funniest, Meanest Thing Ever"

24 Really Cool Dads (24 pics)


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