Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Mar, 2025  |
  • Views: 1326  |
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The world is full of surprises waiting to be uncovered, and this series captures some of the most intriguing finds out there. From hidden historical artifacts to peculiar natural phenomena, these images celebrate the joy of discovery. Let curiosity guide you as you marvel at objects and moments that remind us how fascinating our planet truly is.

Seeing a four-megabyte hard drive from 1965 is wild because it shows us how far we've come. For reference, the smallest storage size for an iPhone is 64 gigabytes or 64,000 megabytes. And it fits in the palm of your hand.

1 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

First up, we need to talk about how big moose are. I kind of thought they were just a little bit bigger than deer. Boy, was I wrong. Moose can be up to seven feet tall.

2 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Did you know Mike Tyson's neck measured 20 inches in the '80s?

3 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Similarly, I'm kind of in awe of how much a ballerina's foot can stretch.

4 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

This dog, who was born with a little tail on its forehead, is equal parts fascinating and cute.

5 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

These conjoined turtles are also fascinating yet wildly cute.

6 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Did you know that cats can have muscular hypertrophy? Basically, they'll get super buff.

7 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

You can see another example here. I feel like this cat's name is Chad, and he's going to steal my girl.

8 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Thia photo is short-circuiting my brain. That person's hand is underwater — but the water is so clear you almost can't tell. (Check out the waterline on their wrist if you're doubtful.) The picture was taken in Sweden.

9 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Seeing a tornado this close makes me glad I've never lived in the Midwest.

10 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

This photo of the aftermath of an earthquake in Turkey feels like something out of a disaster movie.

11 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Lightning's power is pretty incredible. These photos were taken just seconds apart. In the first photo, lightning makes it look like daytime.

12 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

On a happier note, check out what a sunrise during a solar eclipse looks like!

13 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Here's what Mt. Rushmore looks like from far away. It seems a lot more underwhelming, tbh.

14 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Also, here's what Mt. Rushmore looked like before it was carved.

15 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Here's a view of the Statue of Liberty from above — you actually used to be able to climb to the torch and view the statue from this angle!

16 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Here's what it looks like to be on the other side of a movie screen.

17 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Seeing 1500 Jenga blocks balanced on a single block made me feel pretty bad about my own Jenga skills, but it's still pretty cool. This actually broke a world record.

18 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Another wildly interesting world record? Longest eyelashes. You Jianxia's eyelashes are EIGHT INCHES long.

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Have you ever wondered how a record player works? Here, you can see a close-up of how the needle goes over the grooves, creating vibrations that are translated into sound.

20 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

This assisted living facility that looks like an old-school town is a cool idea, but it also kind of freaks me out. Do residents feel like they're on The Truman Show?

21 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

This snail with a clear shell is giving ~effervescent~. (IYKYK.)

22 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)

Here's what gorilla hands look like up close — and how they look compared to human ones.

23 Interesting Finds And Discoveries (23 pics)


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