What Are These Things? (23 pics)

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Mystery fuels imagination, and these enigmatic objects ignite endless questions. Is it art? A tool? Something alien? Their ambiguity invites speculation, turning confusion into fascination. Unanswered queries linger longer than explanations ever could, leaving room for wonder. Life’s greatest discoveries often begin with “What is this?” So lean into the unknown—it’s where creativity thrives.

"Block On Hinge In The Floor Of Old Home. Sits Below Floor. Inside There’s Rollers. There’s Another Opposite A Wall From It"

1 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"It’s a hands free door opener."

"Foot And A Half Long Fabric Cushion Hanging From Interior Hotel Door Knob"

2 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"It's to keep the door from closing. You put a loop on each side of the door handle and the cushion keeps the door from latching so you can bring in luggage, etc."

"Found This Cabinet Door In Our New House. What Is This Supposed To Be Used For?"

3 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Storing baking trays right next to the oven."

"Just Moved Into A New Apartment, Didn’t Notice This On First Walk Though. What Is It? (Three Wooden Sticks Painted White, On Hinge That Lets Them Swing, By Backdoor)"

4 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"A classic old school towel drying rack."

"What Are The Little Finger-Sized Pockets For On This Leather Jacket?"

5 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Shotgun shells. It’s a hunting jacket."

"Heavy Metal Cone With Some Sort Of Measuring Markings On It, Has Threads On The Inside"

6 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Your post indicates you may possibly be in possession of unexploded ordnance (UXO)."

"What Did I Find? Found Underneath A Bathroom Vanity During Remodeling. They Are Small About 2 Inches Long. Little Glass Tubes Filled With Liquid"

7 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Looks like antique perfume ampules. Also called perfume nips."

"This Came In A Swag Bag At A Career Fair. It Is Two Buttons On Either Side Of An Elastic Strip. No Holes. What Is This?"

8 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Ear saver for n95 mask. Hook the elastic over the buttons instead of your ears."

"Strange Brick Room In Our 1860s House"

9 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Could it be a dairy room?A dairy room was a space on a farm where cheese and butter were prepared. It was often part of the farm kitchen for sanitary reasons and ease of access. Over time, the milk room became a separate farm structure or part of the barn."

"What Is This Thing? Found In A Creek Bed That I Explored Yesterday. It Is 17.8 Pounds And 5 Inches In Diameter. It Was Found In Kentucky"

10 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"It’s called 18 pound round shot and was used on US, French, and British ships, so it came from a ship near there. It’s solid iron.

It’s round shot that can only be used in smooth bore cannons, so it could be Civil War or could be revolutionary war. Look into if there were any battles near there and you can find more provenance."

"What’s This Thing In The Background Of The Office? Light Beige Plastic, Has A Brown Wall Mount And What Looks Like A Cord. Was In The Kitchen Area"

11 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Early 1980s model Black and Decker SpotLiter brand rechargeable flashlight."

"Metal Sphere Found Floating In Ocean On Se Alaskan Coast"

12 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Ship captain here. On the gooseneck vents that ships and boats have on deck, there's a wire mesh screen right at the bottom of the opening and inside is a spherical aluminum ball. If water comes up on deck the ball will float up and plug the tube that comes from the ballast tank, water tank, fuel tank, void space or whatever it is. I've got three spares in my deck locker that look just like that."

"Space Capsule Looking Thing Going Through My Town"

13 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"This is one of the Orion “boilerplates” that’s used for training and testing. This one appears to be a low-fidelity mockup that would be used for testing splash-down forces and then to train capsule recovery procedures."

"The Yellow Thing In The Firefighters Hand, It Looked Like He Held It Up To My Peep Hole"

14 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"I cannot tell the model from the back of that fuzzy pic but it is a gas leak detection unit."

"What Is This Small, Intricately Carved Thing I Found At An Estate Sale, And What Is It Made Of?"

15 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"It is part of a cover for a 19th/20th century Qing Dynasty Chinese gourd cricket cage. Probably ivory, possibly bone. There would have been a carved lattice base as well as a wood collar, all fitted to a gourd container."

16 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Two Men Carrying Shoulder Mounted Devices. Each Person Has The Device Strapped Around Their Waist. They Appear To Be Some Sort Of Scanning Or Detection Equipment. What Are They?"

17 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Small Handheld Thing In A Ring Box Has An Electric Coil On The Bottom Of The Insert"

18 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"It's a crystal radio. The galena crystal is on top (whisker) and the coil on the bottom."

"Wooden Thing Sawed From A Single Piece Of Wood"

19 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Please do not use this book stand as a dish rack!!!

It is carved from a single piece of wood and made in uzbekistan. The word for them is either lauh or laukh, if you'd like to google it.

BTW, if you find plans or a video of one being carved, tag me. I'd love to see it done."

"Found In A Shipwreck, Does Anyone Know What This Is? Small Yellowish Amber Vial With Clear Liquid Inside! In A Leather Corded Pouch. Vial Is About 1 Inch Long"

20 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Soviet perfume “Жасмин 76”."

"Small Metallic Ball Found In My High Schooler’s Jacket Pocket, Has A Waxy-Ish White Piece Stuck Inside"

21 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"That is beyond doubt a broken brass headed percussion mallet for bells/glockenspiel. The waxy part is the fiberglass handle of what's called a 'two-step' mallet, where the handle is fiberglass with a rubber coating on the end.

Source: percussionist and band director."

"Raised Circles That Just Showed Up On My Wall Within The Past Day"

22 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Sheetrock nails that are working out. Wall has flexed causing the nail heads to pop out."

"Found At The Thriftstore. Made Out Of Hardwood. Solid Iron Chain Link. Brass Plates. Hollow Inside"

23 What Are These Things? (23 pics)

"Apparatus for storing caught fish. Designed to stay put in a flowing stream.

-edit doesn't look like a trout creel but the form indicates a similar function."


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