Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Feb, 2025  |
  • Views: 1901  |
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The past is full of fascinating inventions, fashion, and moments that shaped history. These 22 pictures take us back in time, offering a glimpse into the objects and trends that once ruled our world. Sometimes, looking back is all it takes to appreciate how far we've come—and how cool the past really was!

Computers were even more bulky in the 1970s.

1 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

2 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

3 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

On a lighter note, here's the book you see during the opening credits of Snow White. Yes, it's a real book, and yes, it's still around!

4 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Did you know George Washington was a redhead? Here's a lock of his hair.

5 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Old ads are always super fascinating to me — like this 1942 ad encouraging carpooling.

6 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Ever wonder how old playing cards are? Here's the oldest surviving complete set — from the 1400s

7 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Here's what a purple heart from WWII looks like.

8 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

This has got to be one of the weirdest cereal box prizes of all time – it's a Lone Ranger Atomic Bomb ring from the '40s that is actually radioactive.

9 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

10 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

It was also fairly common for uranium glass to be used in the 1800s and early 1900s, especially when it came to perfume bottles. The glass actually glows under a UV light.

11 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

I bet when you think of Tokyo, you imagine crowded streets of neon signs flanked by huge skyscrapers — which is why it's wild to see this photo of Tokyo featuring the famous Tokyo Tower surrounded by one and two-level houses.

12 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Did you know the US made a special edition of the dollar coin from 1979-1981? The other side featured Susan B. Anthony — making it the first US coin to feature a real historical woman.

13 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

14 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

This newspaper from 1945 is a fair bit happier.

15 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

In an even lighter newspaper snapshot, it's fun to look back and see the movie ads from this 1980 paper.

16 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Being a pharmacist sure has changed a lot — here's a look at a bunch of bottles from a pharmacist from the '50s.

17 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

What kind of stuff might a pharmacist or doctor give you in the early 1900s? Well, cocaine, for starters.

18 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

Another treatment for coughs was heroin. Yep, HEROIN

19 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

NYC subway cars looked superrrr different in the '80s.

20 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

This is what a document proving a formerly enslaved person was free looked like before the Civil War.

21 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)

This list of job requirements for a woman are genuinely pretty sad to look back on now.

22 Cool Things From The Past (22 pics)


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