Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

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  • Yesterday, 00:04  |
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When everything that could go wrong does exactly that. From small fails to epic disasters, these moments capture the essence of "why me?" days in full effect.

1 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"I just wanted to enjoy a nice mug of tea this evening."

2 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"New Bose Quiet Comfort Ultras look a little weird."

3 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Christmas surprise: practically new washer had a catastrophic failure with zero warning. Walls were damaged, dryer was damaged, but thankfully no one was injured."

4 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"My lawn after throwing fertiliser by hand"

5 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"I didn't pay attention when I put the lid for the microwave in the oven."

6 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Someone took a crowbar to the apartment complexes mail box, Thanks."

7 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Broke up with a girlfriend of 7 years a couple of months ago. Today was my birthday. This is the only wish i got the whole day and its from her. Its somehow worse than getting no wishes."

8 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Came all the way up here with my 500mm lens to realize I forgot to charge my battery."

9 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"That was time well spent."

10 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"My spouse's Christmas bonus."

11 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"The one pepper from our pepper plant."

12 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"My underwear flew onto someone else’s balcony."

13 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Instead of firing me right after Christmas, they said "you can scrape glue off the floor until you finish your paperwork, after that it's all heavy lifting" so let's just say today is my last day."

14 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Family member gave us a cubby house for free. This is how they dropped it off."

15 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"I'm 30, I'd prefer gray hair."

16 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Hand foot mouth. FML."

17 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"After struggling financially, finally saved up enough for our first vacation in 3 years. Forecast is this the entire 3 days we are here."

18 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Saw this while getting breakfast."

19 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"This sign went up after me and my family started using the pool at our hotel. Pic two is how red it made my eyes."

20 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Wife made a christmas turkey , we found this *baked* earbud in the pan the next day"

21 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Bought a new car last week. Mother-in-law takes it for one drive last night…"

22 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"Bought our first house and had our first Christmas tree."

23 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"On a cruise and got this message."

24 Bad Days Happen (24 pics)

"When visiting my folks this week, I wanted to make a White Russian, but their Bailey's Irish Cream was left in the cabinet (opened), and expired in 2017."

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