Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Dec, 2024  |
  • Views: 1308  |
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We've all encountered them—those annoying plane passengers who test our patience! From loud conversations to constant seat kicking, this post highlights the most frustrating flight experiences. Get ready for some relatable moments that make you wish for a smoother journey!

1 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Please Don't Be Garbage. To The Passenger Who Let Their Child Do This Today: Shame On You"

2 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

3 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Yes. I Have The Middle Seat And I Have Legs. I Was Eye Rolled When I Politely Asked If The Window Seat Passenger Could Move Her Backpack. I Guess I Should Have Left My Legs At Home"

4 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"2 People Hoarding Sleep Mats At The Airport"

5 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"2 people are using 8 sleeping mats in MSP airport after a bunch of flights to chicago were cancelled. Plenty of others are sleeping on the floor so these selfish tricks can be extra cozy."

6 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

7 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

8 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Terminal Was So Crowded People Were Sitting On The Floor While This Woman Took 3 Seats For Her Bags"

9 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Man Uses Airplane Safety Brochure & Inflight Magazine To Protect His Naked Feet From Touching The Floor. He Put Them Back In The Seat Pocket When We Landed"

10 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"We Were Greeted By Hsi/FBI"

11 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"This guy rushed the front to confront the FA in a threatening manner apparently for not receiving snacks as he was sleeping when they serviced his row. Apparently this j**k then decided to smoke in his seat and would not comply with FA."

12 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"This Was On For The Duration Of A 10 Hour Overnight Flight - Blinking And All"

13 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

14 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"This Girl At The Airport Waits Until The Queue Moves All The Way Forward To Move. People Confronted Her And She Said “It’s The Same If I Move Now Or Later”"

15 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Blocking The Second Register With Your Service Dog At The Airport"

16 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Now I’m Going To Be One Of Those People Who Wipes Down My Seat And Screen"

17 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Dude went to the bathroom barefoot and then navigated the touchscreen with his toes. I’m gonna need a Silkwood shower after witnessing this"

18 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

19 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"We’re Waiting In A Crowded Airport Terminal And This Toddler Wouldn’t Stop Running Around And Screaming, So Her Mother Gave Her A Whistle To Play With"

20 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Littering Nail Clippings In Public Spaces"

21 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"Dear Rude Couple Who Put Their Bag On A Seat So Nobody Would Sit Next To You During The Flight Delay, You Left That Bag Behind In Iah Terminal E. I Enjoyed Watching You Walk Away And Forget It"

22 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)

"This Kid Was Running Up And Down The Aisle And Using The Seats As His Own Personal Jungle Gym"

23 Annoying Plane Passengers (23 pics)


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