Retro Advertising (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Dec, 2024  |
  • Views: 832  |
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Step back in time with a look at retro advertising! From bold slogans to vintage visuals, these ads capture the charm and creativity of past decades. Discover how brands used humor, nostalgia, and iconic designs to make an unforgettable impression on consumers.

"Garfield’s Thanksgiving Special" First Aired 31 Years Ago, November 22, 1989, On Cbs

1 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

2 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"Borden’s, 1925 Ad"

3 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"World War II Thanksgiving Whiskey Ad, Eighty-One Years Ago"

4 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"Thanksgiving Without Walnuts?" - Diamond Walnuts (1929)

5 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

6 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

7 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

8 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

9 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

10 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

11 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"Cbs Primetime, November 15, 1979: - "The Bugs Bunny Thanksgiving Diet""

12 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

13 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

14 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

15 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

16 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best", Thanksgiving Card, Hallmark Cards, 1959

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19 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"This 1962 Retro Ad Features A Thanksgiving Staple, Tupperware! What Are Your Favorite Thanksgiving Leftovers?"

20 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

21 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"1955 Mccormick Spices Thanksgiving Advertisement"

22 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"In 1943 - Even In The Midst Of World War II - Americans Were Reminded They Had Many Reasons To Be Thankful. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!"

23 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

24 Retro Advertising (25 pics)

"1956 Schlitz Thanksgiving Advertising"

25 Retro Advertising (25 pics)


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