Scary Finds (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Sep, 2024  |
  • Views: 1259  |
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From eerie attic discoveries to creepy thrift store finds, dive into a world of spine-chilling surprises! These scary finds will make your skin crawl, whether it's a haunted artifact, a bizarre object with a dark past, or just something that sends shivers down your spine.

This sweet little message someone left on this guest's hotel phone:

1 Scary Finds (18 pics)

These people applying a window sticker for the "Infection Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Area" that, uh, didn't need to do it in such a nightmare-inducing way:

2 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This zucchini that's skin didn't form properly, which is giving a "Veggietales gone wrong" vibe that makes me a lil uncomfortable:

3 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This wind turbine that looks like it just completely gave up:

4 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This person's pupil that my pupils cannot stop staring at:

5 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This "plant" that I think may be trying to grow itself into a human:

6 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This person, who isn't two-faced, but, like, eight-faced:

7 Scary Finds (18 pics)

These mannequins someone spotted at an observatory that are a littttttle too realistic for my comfort (and the chipping paint revealing SKIN-COLORED PAINT UNDERNEATH certainly does not help!!!!):

8 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This tree branch that you're telling me is NOT a zombie hand???

9 Scary Finds (18 pics)

In case you missed it, on the upper left of the screen, it says "ICANSEEYOU." So fun and casual!

10 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This school employee who took a photo in the campus's basement and realized they miiiiight not be alone down there after all:

11 Scary Finds (18 pics)

In case you're struggling to see, I adjusted the brightness and zoomed in on the original photo so you, too, can experience the horror of someone (or something?) staring back at you in the dark:

12 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This sign's shadow that, uh, seems to have a bit of a typo:

13 Scary Finds (18 pics)

These goth tomatoes that are honestly metal as hell:

14 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This sign banning the use of Ouija boards due to "recent events" which, to me, is saying "we do not have the capacity to accommodate two exorcisms in one month, go somewhere else:"

15 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This building that, uh, I think is still loading, give it a second:

16 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This tree that begs the question, "If a tree walks away in the middle of the woods and no one's around to hear its footsteps, did it even make a sound?"

17 Scary Finds (18 pics)

This wooden head someone found washed up in a canal that seems like a bad omen if you ask me:

18 Scary Finds (18 pics)


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