Failed Designs (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Aug, 2024  |
  • Views: 1193  |
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Get ready to cringe and laugh with these epic design fails! From confusing layouts to hilariously bad ideas that somehow made it to production, these failed designs are a reminder that not everything goes as planned. Check out the mishaps that missed the mark in the funniest ways!

1 Failed Designs (22 pics)

Well, am I alone or not?!

2 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"My high-end, stylish coffeepot with the too-short spout."

3 Failed Designs (22 pics)

Nothing like leaning over a toilet to use the sink.

4 Failed Designs (22 pics)

Swings facing each other, sounds like a good idea!

5 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"A sticker that I hope is supposed to say "Lucky" but reads a bit differently"

6 Failed Designs (22 pics)

Is it zero protein or 30 g of protein?

7 Failed Designs (22 pics)

That's not a sign wearing away it's put up that way on purpose.

8 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"A room I booked in Belgium."

9 Failed Designs (22 pics)

If you need someone to stop driving to read something maybe use a font that people can read from their car?

10 Failed Designs (22 pics)

11 Failed Designs (22 pics)

This bathroom and shower has a big window down into the living room.

12 Failed Designs (22 pics)

This game dev company has a very "easy to read" logo

13 Failed Designs (22 pics)


14 Failed Designs (22 pics)

So close.

15 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"I thought it said OREO."

16 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"According to this toy thermometer, my kid's toy baby is frozen and dead."

17 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"What exactly does soccer have to do with a water cannon?"

18 Failed Designs (22 pics)

19 Failed Designs (22 pics)

20 Failed Designs (22 pics)

21 Failed Designs (22 pics)

"So close yet so far"

22 Failed Designs (22 pics)

How's that supposed to fit?!

23 Failed Designs (22 pics)

Isn't that the worst?!

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