Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jan, 2011  |
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This collection of photographs of Chernobyl shows this place 25 years after the Chernobyl disaster, a nuclear power plant accident that occurred on April 26, 1986 in Ukraine.

1 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

2 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

3 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

4 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

5 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

6 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

7 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

8 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

9 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

10 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

11 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

12 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

13 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

14 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

15 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

16 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

17 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

18 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

19 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

20 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

21 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

22 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

23 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

24 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

25 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

26 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

27 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

28 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

29 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

30 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

31 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

32 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

33 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

34 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

35 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

36 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

37 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

38 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

39 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

40 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

41 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

42 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

43 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

44 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

45 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

46 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

47 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

48 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

49 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

50 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

51 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

52 Chernobyl Today (52 pics)

№1 Author: mortex (10 Jan 2011 23:29) Total user comments: 740

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Interesting, but not the first time I've seen these here.
№2 Author: kamatchou (10 Jan 2011 23:45) Total user comments: 311

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WTF ,its the map in call of duty 4,the hard one to get in veteran
№3 Author: adibuu (11 Jan 2011 00:10) Total user comments: 48

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home for X-mens 26
№4 Author: GhostChronos (11 Jan 2011 00:58) Total user comments: 2100

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silent hill? lol
№5 Author: DocMcCoy (11 Jan 2011 02:05) Total user comments: 6039

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What happened to all the stuff? Did they empty the stores and remove all their possessions?
№6 Author: Dust (11 Jan 2011 02:59) Total user comments: 235

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Actually, most of the pictures shows Pripyat, the town next to Chernobyl.

Anyway, you've got to love this pics!
№7 Author: Grunt Callahan (11 Jan 2011 03:48) Total user comments: 2430

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Great place to visit, wouldn't want to live there.
№8 Author: Dallizzt (11 Jan 2011 04:02) Total user comments: 1467

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Reminds me of the Shadow of Chernobyl vid game.
№9 Author: adzhoe (11 Jan 2011 04:12) Total user comments: 15110

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nice pics from a sad event.
№10 Author: miscellaneous (11 Jan 2011 06:05) Total user comments: 4179

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All that infrastructure gone to ruin....kinda sad.
№11 Author: lepsy (11 Jan 2011 07:16) Total user comments: 1252

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Seems some idiots came back to pick up some things at the risk of their lives ? 11
№12 Author: Royal (11 Jan 2011 08:13) Total user comments: 549

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Beautiful in its own way. I love these glimpses into the vast number of abandoned Russian/Soviet ghost towns and bases.
№13 Author: salsapopo (11 Jan 2011 08:51) Total user comments: 12723

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№14 Author: avellino (11 Jan 2011 09:03) Total user comments: 107

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Very Sad 15
№15 Author: Trifecta69 (11 Jan 2011 09:19) Total user comments: 1086

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№16 Author: fairmania (11 Jan 2011 10:25) Total user comments: 1460

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The whole area was picked clean by looters over the last ten years or so, pretty much as soon as they thought it was safe to go in.

They took anything they could sell for money, especially metals for scrap. It has become a bit of a extreme-touristing area now, with a few hardy souls offering to take you round to see what's left.

Google for abandoned places and you will see dozens of towns like these all across Russia. Most were abandoned for economic reasons, some through industrial problems, and are now toxic like Pripyat, not through radioactivity but other chemicals.

Interesting, and spooky, in equal measure.
№17 Author: reidar (11 Jan 2011 11:38) Total user comments: 123

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Not enough pictures from kindergartens - there were 3 in Pripyat. I've visited one of them (there wasn't enough time for the rest) creeped the fuck out of me. Also the morgue in Pripyat is a nice place to visit 03

and those HDRs are annoying.
№18 Author: joffenbaker (11 Jan 2011 13:25) Total user comments: 4968

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I didn't mind the HDR, I was just wondering if these are using a grey filter or something like pale blue. There doesn't seem to be any true color.
But yeh, seen these before as well. The masks are the most grotesque or macabre of all the pix.
№19 Author: aleena83 (11 Jan 2011 13:45) Total user comments: 136

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It truly does look like Silent Hill. The pictures are creeping me out, but professionally speeking they are really good.
№20 Author: 2fuzzy (11 Jan 2011 15:34) Total user comments: 10400

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repeat post... but still good shots excluding the hdr ones.
№21 Author: 2good4you (11 Jan 2011 17:01) Total user comments: 27

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all pictures are in hdr to increase drama. If you see low price slr camera on ebay, check radiation level. 06
№22 Author: jeanpasqualin (11 Jan 2011 17:09) Total user comments: 637

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fantastic,but terrible!!cost 6 bilion dollar
№23 Author: mahedi (11 Jan 2011 18:11) Total user comments: 10772

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Ghost city 25
№24 Author: Patty (11 Jan 2011 18:34) Total user comments: 1766

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Very interesting pictures. Sad, but worth a look.
№25 Author: Sokay (11 Jan 2011 18:50) Total user comments: 237

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Damn this looks so unreal! 15
№26 Author: Pilgrim (11 Jan 2011 19:35) Total user comments: 2288

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№27 Author: Lu (11 Jan 2011 19:59) Total user comments: 15132

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№28 Author: Louie (12 Jan 2011 20:09) Total user comments: 8189

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№29 Author: raymond.wendt (23 Jan 2011 11:50) Total user comments: 9115

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Hopefully this tragedy never happens again. I think they have learned some valuable lessons about nuclear power
№30 Author: manuel_berger (28 Mar 2011 18:19) Total user comments: 1

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I'm interested to apply some of this pic's in my new cd artwork for my band Outrage!
Is it possible to get the pictures, to use them?

Please let me know, my mailadress is: the band website ist: or

Thank you for helping me!

Best regards, Manuel

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