Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Aug, 2024  |
  • Views: 1404  |
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"Bad days happen" reminds us that everyone faces tough times, but they don't last forever. Whether it's small annoyances or major setbacks, these moments are just a part of life. Embrace the challenges, learn from them, and remember that better days are always ahead.

1 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Needed a new one anyways."

2 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Imma put a truck on top of a truck. What could go wrong?"

3 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Always check the size before you order."

4 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I have a wasp nest in my spare bedroom."

5 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Tripped over my cat and didn't have time to catch myself."

6 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Someone’s having a bad day."

7 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"What’s left of a tres leches birthday cake for my 23-year-old daughter…"

8 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Car got impaled by a metal rod that fell off a semi and got stranded 2 hours away from home."

9 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Was let go from my job with this in my email and no other information."

10 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"The basement of the restaurant where my girlfriend works."

11 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"No, I'm not pregnant. Thinking it's time I schedule a colonoscopy or something. If I even so much as look at gluten, this happens."

12 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"My alarm somehow failed to go off and it cost me my job."

13 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I didn’t think the suction cups were that strong on my forehead. I have work today."

14 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"This week: got laid off, rejected from job applications, need major dental work done, and come out to find my car like this…"

15 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Hail just broke the outer pain of this window in our house, window is filling up with water."

16 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Got hit by flying debris at a race track"

17 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Just started brushing my teeth to find out it isn’t toothpaste."

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