People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

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  • 6 Aug, 2024  |
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Discover a world of binge-worthy TV as people share their favorite series! From gripping dramas to laugh-out-loud comedies, explore diverse recommendations and personal stories behind each pick. Dive into this collection of beloved shows and find your next must-watch series.

1 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Breaking Bad

Such a compelling, beautifully crafted show. I was so sad when it ended."

2 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Black Mirror"

3 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)


We skip the dog episode though…"

4 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)


5 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Mr. Robot! Such an amazing mindf**k of a show. And knowing the tech things they talk about makes it even better because the writers really did their research."

6 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Fleabag. I can’t stress how much I would recommend this show. Even if you don’t see why on the first episode, everyone should watch it.I promise by the end you’ll be glad you did. It’s only two very short seasons.

Man I wish I could watch that over again. Especially the second season."

7 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Peaky Blinders"

8 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Fringe. It was such a great show."

9 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Twin Peaks. Every watch through is a wild ride. But nothing compares to that first watch."

10 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Community. I’d give anything to see ‘Remedial Chaos theory’ or ‘Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking’ for the first time again."

11 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"I’m dating myself here, but M*A*S*H. Very, very funny. It’s about the Korean war, but the good thing is that you don’t have to know or even understand anything about history to laugh your s** off."

12 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

13 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Band of Brothers, best series ever made! I usually watch it once or twice a year at least."

14 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Avatar the Last Airbender"

15 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"True Detective season 1"

16 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Game of Thrones

All six seasons of it."

17 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)


18 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"The Good Place. The ending is one of the best endings of any show, hands down."

19 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"Definitely LOST. I’m wondering how it would be to binge the series, but there was something about the year wait to find out what was in the hatch."

20 People Share Their Favorite TV Series (20 pics)

"The Wire…One of the best shows ever created."


№1 Author: mikerowave (8 Aug 2024 23:55) Total user comments: 715

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