People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Jul, 2024  |
  • Views: 1332  |
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Step into the past with "People Share Their Old School Photos," where nostalgia meets hilarity! Dive into a treasure trove of vintage hairstyles, fashion trends, and awkward poses as individuals reminisce about their school days. Each photo tells a story, capturing a snapshot of youthful exuberance and the timeless charm of bygone eras.

1 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My uncle getting caught growing weed in the backyard. Circa 1970s.

2 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

How to Selfie in 1983

3 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

The Paramount Pictures logo on the day it was originally painted. [1965]

4 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My deaf father, hugging a speaker to his chest to feel the vibrations of music. Early 1970s.

5 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My Uncle Billy just turned 90, so here’s him on his boat during the early 80’s.

6 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

Friend of mine told me to post here. Me in the mid 80's.

7 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My grandfather greeting us in one of his short films, late 1960s.

8 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My dad and his beloved pet duck that he raised from an egg. 1994

9 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

The inventor of the super soaker c. early 1980s

10 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

In 1991, my Alabama school photo featured me bursting through a paper wall, on a skateboard with no back wheel, sporting what some might call a mullet.

11 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My dad and friends look like the cast of Stranger Things (1982)

12 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My grandfather lighting himself a cigarette in a double-exposure self-portrait (1950s)

13 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

Susan Kare, famous Apple artist who designed many of the fonts, icons, and images for Apple, NeXT, Microsoft, and IBM. (1980s)

14 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My dad vs me. 1984 vs 2018. Chichen Itza.

15 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My grandpa worked as a park ranger in Yellowstone, where he took this photo of The Three Stooges when they visited. 1969.

16 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My Pops finally beating Super Mario Bros. on Christmas night, 1988. The Nintendo was a present for "me and my sister".

17 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

Mother helping her son through a tough level in Super Mario Land on Gameboy from 1989.

18 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My mom would always talk about how she was an editor for Tiger Beat magazine when she was a teenager in the 1960’s. She would brag about spending time with the Stones and the Beatles. We always thought she was telling tall tales. Uncovered this pic cleaning out her house last week.

19 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My dad at his first job at NASA! (1986)

20 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

Friend showed me a picture of her parents in the 80's&and it is truly PURE 80's.

21 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My Uncle and I playing poker. Circa 1978. RIP Uncle Burt

22 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My grandparents the night they met (1970).

23 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My weight lifter great grandpa holding my grandpa over his head - 1947

24 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

She's in someone's locket (1940's)

25 People Share Their Cool Old School Photos (27 pics)

My dad’s self-portrait, circa 1980

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