Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Jul, 2024  |
  • Views: 1661  |
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In our reflective post, "Bad Days Happen," we delve into the universal experience of tough times. Explore stories of resilience, humor, and lessons learned from challenging days. Join us in embracing the ups and downs of life with empathy, understanding, and a touch of optimism.

1 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Rear ended by a guy driving illegally, then called a “stupid ***h”

2 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Got stung by a bee between my eyes while riding my bicycle"

3 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I just spit this out.."

4 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"My dog stole this from my room and took it down to the shared living room :’)"

5 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Plumbers broke through this foundation to add pipes, compromising the structural support of the home."

6 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Average hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) experience."

7 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"my mandible has a hole in it."

8 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Thought I would get a nice base tan helping out at my customer's farm for a couple hours."

9 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"PSA: check your spare tires. Looks like my neighbor had a hell of a ride home."

10 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Discovered rats are using my engine to store food."

11 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I paid my car off yesterday"

12 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A slug crawled in my 1.5 year old MacBook Pro and fried it."

13 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Lucky I just took a bite and feel weird"

14 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A monkey grabbed my glasses through the mesh fence during my stay at animal rescue center in Costa Rica."

15 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I was just trying to make some chili when I noticed the pantry beetles floating in their spicy hot tub."

16 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I walked through a cornfield."

17 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Nothing wakes me up like my morning cup of joe."

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