What Are These Things? (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Jul, 2024  |
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Unravel the mysteries in our "What Are These Things?" post! Dive into a fascinating collection of puzzling objects and curious artifacts that will ignite your curiosity. From strange tools to unusual finds, join the quest to identify and understand these enigmatic items from around the world.

“Plastic ring with 3 relatively sharp metal claws, found on beach in Scotland.”

1 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s a “claw” to help pull in fishing nets"

“A small cast metal table with slot for a conical metal instrument.”

2 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"Waffle cone roller, I was a wizard with that thing. I kind of miss it, just for the fact that my entire wardrobe smelled of cones"

“Found these tiny round brown grains on top of a second mattress cover, right below my husband’s pillow. We have cats, but it’s not the same color as their litter.”

3 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It looks like foam from the mattress. It gets through the fabric and then turns into balls"

“What is this bowl for? It’s got a small hole at the bottom.”

4 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It looks like a flower bulb forcer"

“Renting a house and the basement has these ropes with some sort of plastic hooks/clamps.”

5 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"Looks like a display I have for baseball hats"

“What is this asterisk style wall socket/cover in my buddy’s house?”

6 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s for sending wires through the wall, there should be a corresponding one somewhere else"

“I found this doodad in a box of junk jewelry. The large disc slides up and down the chain.”

7 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"Antique ladies watch chain"

“Wooden elephants with a rod through them. Rod slides out and elephants are removable.”

8 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s a napkin holder."

“Wife and I went on vacation for a week while my in-laws babysat our kids. Came back to finding this mystery object inside our refrigerator.”

9 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s a little handle that locks/unlocks the metal bars that divide up the middle drawer. It slides freely in both X and Y directions to divide the drawer into rectangles of any size, but you have to twist to lock/unlock it. They probably twisted too hard, or moved it without unlocking

I wouldn’t blame the in-laws. I have a fridge also, and it is cheaply made. We have broken plastic pieces as well."

“5-foot-tall solid brick structure in the woods near my house”

10 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s an old sign with the name of a district or location. Usually installed by the builders"

“Glass object, about 10’’ tall and hollow, hole goes all the way through, so not a vase.”

11 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It is a candlestick. I had 2 of these"

“Tennis racket with a hook on the back, on a long chain with ball at the end.”

12 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"This is used to measure the height of the net in tennis. The hook hangs on the top of the net and the net is tightened till the ball just touches the grass"

“Glass objects with decorative flower patterns. 600 grams each.”

13 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"They look more like those old furniture or piano casters/cups to prevent floor damage"

“What are these wooden/plastic boards in front of the doors? Found in a small Spanish city.”

14 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"They are used for protecting stray dogs from peeing into the door."

"Pet owners are encouraged to use the liquid in the provided bottle to rinse their pet’s pee off the walls/doors/floor. It helps keep the street clean and reduce odors."

“Metal rocket shaped holder for something.”

15 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s a stand for bar tools."

“This little ramp thingy on the bottom of a lotion bottle.”

16 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It’s for the manufacturing of the product so that it can be turned while standing up"

“My college dorm has these things, several of them on each floor. The building was finished in 1969.”

17 What Are These Things? (17 pics)

"It looks like a phone “booth.” At one point, it likely held a phone"


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