Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Jun, 2024  |
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Discover the most shocking "Building Inspection Nightmares" in this eye-opening post. From structural mishaps to bizarre design flaws, these stories and images showcase the unexpected challenges faced by inspectors. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of architectural surprises that redefine the meaning of "unexpected."

1 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This retaining wall was built with the intention of supporting the hillside; however, it is visibly failing as it was not properly built to support the load.

The weight of the hill has caused the wall to split and lean, causing shifting in the sidewalk as well."

2 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This chaotic framing could be mistaken for abstract art."

3 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This photo from above the wall reveals the steps, which have also started to fail as they have lost the support they were resting on."

4 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The force of the landslide destroyed a back wall, allowing mud to find its way into almost every room. Including the bathroom… yikes."

5 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This wall, intended to retain the hillside, consists only of framing and stucco, lacking the necessary elements for a retaining wall such as rebar, a proper footing, and concrete to provide adequate support for retaining soil.

As a result, the wall is now failing."

6 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"These stalactites were found in a below-grade structure. Stalactites form gradually over time as water seeps through cracks in the ceiling, carrying dissolved minerals that accumulate and create these formations."

7 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The post-and-pier final boss."

8 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This is an unconventional approach to a post and pier. Using bricks in replacement of a post and pier is merely a remedial repair to fill the gap. It can temporarily hold things together, but it doesn’t address the core issue as it lacks the proper support for the home."

9 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"You can see this wall is suffering from spall damage and the rebar has been exposed.

Spalling refers to areas of concrete that have cracked and delaminated from the underlying layer."

10 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"Another day, another landslide."

11 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The heavy rains triggered a series of landslides in our area, prompting numerous calls for assistance.

That TV…"

12 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The landslides in Portuguese Bend—an area in Rancho Palos Verdes—have been occurring for over 30 years now. The area is notorious for its significant land movement issues."

13 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This is going to be a massive cleanup effort."

14 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"A landslide crashed into this home below.

Homes situated at the lower end of a hillside raise significant concerns due to their heightened vulnerability to various issues."

15 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This retaining wall is suffering from significant hydrostatic pressure from the groundwater in the hillside that it's supporting."

16 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"There is now moss covering a majority of the retaining wall and the ground. Moss grows in environments with excessive moisture and needs it to survive. Therefore, the poor drainage in this area is the perfect breeding ground for it to thrive."

17 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The landslide left the house susceptible to collapse so the need for temporary shoring was imminent. This shoring was put in by another company to support the roof from total collapse."

18 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"The bottom of the hillside reveals more of the aftermath from the landslide, which caused damage to this home. Despite some cleanup efforts, the car sustained severe damage."

19 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"Last week we highlighted the significant land movement issues in Portuguese Bend. These thick concrete pavers that were ripped apart in the area are more proof of that."

20 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"Back in 1956, a road crew excavated sediment and dumped it on top of the ancient landslide zone. This rendered the area geologically unstable and has been causing issues to this day.

Here, we can see this concrete slab that is tearing apart due to the ongoing land shifts. As Portuguese Bend has experienced decades of extreme shifting, it has become one of the most studied landslide areas in the nation."

21 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"We're continuing to see numerous landslides stemming from the heavy rains earlier this year."

22 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This homeowner was wondering why their retaining wall was failing. Looks like we figured it out…

Instead of utilizing rebar for reinforcement, a chain link fence was used."

23 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"Typically, a slab foundation rests directly on the earth with footings around the perimeter for support. Meanwhile, a post and pier foundation consists of concrete piers and wooden posts that provide support for the joists and girders.

This specific situation is uncommon as these are different types of foundations and can function effectively on their own if done properly."

24 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"This home is suffering from wood rot.

Removing and replacing wood rot with new framing is crucial as it can quickly spread and compromise the structural integrity of the building."

25 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"Here you can see the home is now showing other various signs of damage as well, such as misaligned doors and windows."

26 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"With the landslide coming down into the pool, all the pool water washed out and made a huge mess. It left not only the homeowners' backyard in disarray but also impacted neighboring properties.

Dealing with the aftermath of this rain has been horrifying for homeowners all over SoCal."

27 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"It's imperative to take proactive steps, such as building a retaining wall for example, to mitigate the risk of potential landslides before they occur."

28 Building Inspection Nightmares (28 pics)

"We often get called out to assess homes in the area and are met with the most disastrous structural damage.

When you really put it into perspective, the force needed to break apart these thick concrete pavers is extreme."


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