People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Jun, 2024  |
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Explore a fascinating critique of the worst popular movies that somehow captured audience attention. This collection dives into films that, despite their fame, missed the mark with critics and viewers. From plot holes to poor acting, uncover what makes these cinematic missteps oddly memorable.

1 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Emoji movie. Took my brothers to see it while I was babysitting. Almost committed suicide in the theater"

2 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Suicide Squad 2016. The movie had really bad pacing and bland action. About halfway through we were so bored we got up and left. It was one of those movies where you’re not really given much reason to care how it ends. Still stands as the only one Ive ever walked on."

3 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Avatar the last Airbender. Once we got to the montages that were all of season 1, they didn’t think were worth it, it was clear this wasnt the show I loved."

4 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"The Love Guru..walked out to see The Happening for the third time instead Lmao"

5 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Oh, I remember vividly. It was Battlefield Earth.

The shot angles kept being tilted this way and that for no reason and I started tilting my head so that things would be level. Then my friend joined in. Then we simultaneously were like “are we going to cramp our necks for THIS?” And walked out."

6 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"The Master of Disguise with Dana Carvey.

The critics consensus on rotten tomatoes starts with “… an irritating witless farce..”. I think that was generous."

7 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Green Lantern. Even Ryan Reynolds acknowledges how bad it is."

8 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler.

Normally I like his movies but not only was jack and Jill his worst movie ever, I think it might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen in my life."

9 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"I walked out on Cats, but then decided I wanted to be back inside. They let me back in, but then I walked out again."

10 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Wonder woman 1984"

11 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"I almost walked out on Jurassic World Dominion, but my friend bought a ticket for me and was super excited about it so I stayed just for him. I am a huge dinosaur nerd, I love Jurassic Park and am generally happy to see anything featuring dinosaurs. It doesn’t happen often so I’m not picky, just give me my big lizards thank you. But Dominion was on a whole new level of bad, just why"

12 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Way back in the ’70s my Dad, my brother, my brother-in-law and myself went to see a horror film called Private Parts (1972). It was a bit much for dad. During a scene where the main character was f***ng an inflatable doll full of water and injecting it with blood drawn from a victim (?), my dad stood up and said in a loud voice. “This is disgusting.” and he walked out. My brother-in-law was right behind him. My brother and myself sat there laughing for about another five minutes before we got up and left. They were waiting out front for us and dad says he was only going to wait another minute before leaving and we would have had to walk home."

13 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Jupiter Ascending. You know it was horrible when I didn’t want to see more Mila Kunis."

14 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Only movie I’ve ever walked out of was The Golden Compass."

15 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Lady in the Water. If I saw it on a f***ng airplane I would have walked out."

16 People Talked About Famous Movies They Didn't Like (16 pics)

"Not walked out but I’ve never been able to sit through all of Batman Vs Superman.

Went to the cinema for it and fell asleep halfway through. I tried watching the directors cut at home a few years later and you guessed it, fell asleep halfway through."


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