Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Jun, 2024  |
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Discover the daring world of "people who don't think about safety" in our eye-opening post! From risky stunts to oblivious actions, this collection highlights moments where caution takes a back seat. Explore the thrill-seeking and sometimes humorous choices made by individuals navigating life with a unique perspective on safety.

“All these fire extinguisher posts, I figured I would share this one I found as an inspector.”

1 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Emergency ‘exit’ in a friend’s office building. First time they opened it was DURING A FIRE ALARM”

2 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Our engineering teacher pulled this out of the closet since we weren’t wearing our goggles… He’s my favorite.”

3 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

4 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Sharps container? These people apparently never heard of one…the needles were poking out of the box.”

5 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Only entrance to my current job site.”

6 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“We had 5-6 people scrape/cut themselves walking past this exposed thermostat, so we finally complained… came in this morning to this solution.”

7 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Stirling Council have photoshopped hardhats on to their workers”

8 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“New lock out procedure”

9 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Heater at my job site.”

10 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“The hotel I’m staying in is keeping the plastic covers on its fire alarms to keep them newer for longer”

11 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

12 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“When I was doing construction I was apparently featured in a ‘safety fails’ site on Pinterest.”

13 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Sometimes you gotta improvise”

14 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

15 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Saw this on a competitors job-site. The city inspector letting them know it’s wrong.”

16 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

17 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

18 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Found in a graduate electrical engineering lab”

19 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

“Quit my Job After I Got Asked to Climb this Ladder on a 6 in 12 Pitch Roof. $10/hr Scraping Paint is Not Worth a Broken Neck.”

20 Hilarious Safety Fails (20 pics)

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