Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 May, 2024  |
  • Views: 1438  |
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Step into the shadows and explore our collection of spine-chilling messages. From eerie whispers to bone-chilling tales, these creepy messages will send shivers down your spine and leave you questioning what lurks in the darkness. Dare to read on, if you dare...

1 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"This Man Found His Tires Slashed, And This Note On His Car"

2 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Came Home And This Note Was Taped To My Door. Time To Install Security Cameras, I Guess"

3 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My Friend Found This Sign In A Cabin, Which Freaks Me Out"

4 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

5 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Found This Note Outside My Window. My Apartment Is On The 11th Floor"

6 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My 9-Year-Old Son Drew Me A Picture"

7 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"I Received A Clown In The Mail With This Note Yesterday. No Idea Who Sent It"

8 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My Cousin's Stalker"

9 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

""Please park in your old spot by the sidewalk so I can watch you come and go. I can't see you so well in this new spot, and all I have to keep me company is your photo."

For context, my cousin found these zip ties and some sort of tag on her car. The door handle and apartment door also had zip ties and a note on her apartment door."

"This Ouija Board At A Market Comes With A Note. Anyone Know Zozo?"

10 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"The seller said it was in the attic of the house his mother had just purchased. The note was inside when they found it. It's only been a month, and they've had no problems yet."

"I Found This Note In My Coat Sleeve While I Was Leaving Work. I Don’t Have Any Work Enemies, Or So I Thought"

11 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Found This While Cleaning Out An Old Sewing Kit"

12 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Well, I Found This On My Car Last Night"

13 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My Neighbor Came Home To This Note On Her Door"

14 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"This Note I Found Inside A Desk At My High School"

15 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

""I saw (different names) arm hair up close on (different dates)."

Back in high school, I was in my class, and the classroom had one of those desks with a space underneath to store stuff. I reached inside, and this is what I found. A couple of months later, my friend found another one just like this on the floor, but it was for January.We reported it to the school, and they took the second note. As far as I know, nothing ever came of it."

"A Note I Found On The Ground Outside My House"

16 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)


"John,I’m not mad at you. I am terrified by/of you. Once your hands do the reverse seal and your eyes go dark... I have to go fast. Last night, did you see these finger bruises on my wrists? neck? You hit my left side hip and knee with the door so hard it's purple. I can’t walk without limping. Thank you so much for the rides that helped so much. I’m sorry. I’m just scared. You really scare me. I have to protect myself."

"2nd Was Found In The New Apartment, This Time In The Pantry. I'm Scared To Find A Third"

17 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"An Old Man Who's Been Stalking Me Left A Note On My Car At My Job"

18 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"For context, this man was a patron at my work and has been coming around for the past 4+ years to disturb my peace of mind and bring me small gifts. He was generally friendly and pleasant, but always gave me a gross feeling in my stomach that told me I should definitely keep our interactions brief and never give him any information about myself.

The last time I spoke to him, he insisted that I go out to lunch with him or call him on his phone. Putting my foot down, I told him I was not at all interested in ever doing something like that, but I thanked him for the gifts. His reaction was subtle, but it really made me change my tune because I could detect a certain callousness and animosity in his demeanor that stood out as a huge red flag to me.

Today, this note was taped to my car. I have no idea why he addressed me as "Garbo," but I have to assume it's a reference to Greta Garbo.Hopefully, this is the end of him coming around, but of course I will be on guard for anything suspicious."

"These Notes I Found While Walking Near The Beach Last Night"

19 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Today, I Found This When Returning From Work"

20 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My Mother-In-Law Started Going Through The 1st Stages Of Dementia In 2013. She Used To Write Notes, And I Found One. Creeped Me Out For Sure"

21 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"I Found This Note Outside My Front Door"

22 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"I Found This Creepy Note In My Pyro Plush Hoodie. Pyro Should Address This"

23 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"My Sister Found A Lone Mailbox That Randomly Appeared In A Park She Frequents. This Message Was Inside Of It"

24 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)

"Found This Note Stuck To A Phone Charging Station In NYC. Looks Like Mark Is In Trouble"

25 Creepy Messages For People (25 pics)


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