Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 May, 2024  |
  • Views: 1401  |
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1 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

2 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"Hard copy concert tickets. I’d like to keep adding to my 50-year concert ticket collection. Only way to do that now is to purchase commemorative printings from 3rd party companies."

3 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"Consumer printers that don’t need 2 apps and specific ink to work (thanks hp)"

4 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"I miss Blockbuster a lot. It was much more fun picking out a movie to watch. While it’s nice being able to access damn near every movie ever made for free/cheap on my couch, I find it so much harder to pick one movie to watch."

"VHS – Purely because my kids will never get to know the excitement of going to rental stores like Blockbuster. The smell of the carpet, the popcorn knowing your Friday night was going to be pigging out with a movie you picked from the store. Great times."

5 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"Older generation video game consoles."

"I’ll piggyback off of this and say split-screen gaming."

6 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"I wish BlackBerry would have survived and improved. Great phone just bad cameras and poor web browser."

7 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"Station wagons with the rear-facing seat in the back. I’m sure it wasted space and wasn’t as safe in the event of an accident… but as a kid that was the perfect road trip seat and goofing off at the driver behind you was a blast."

8 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)


I like having options"

9 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)


10 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

"Local car starters.

Every manufacturer is turning remote start into a cloud service. It ***s. I miss the days of just pointing my keyfob out the window and warming up my car.

Now I have to pay a subscription to have the ability to use an app on my phone to talk to a cloud that talks to my car and tells it to start. It can take anywhere from 2-4 minutes."

It used to be that if you couldn’t get a hold of someone, it was fine. They would call you back at some point in a number of days.

Now, not reaching someone for an hour is a problem. Our phones tell other people when we’ve read messages but not responded.

I think the plausible deniability we had was healthier for relationships. Constant contact can get so overbearing these days."

11 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

12 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

13 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

14 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

15 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)

16 Nostalgic Things From The Past (16 pics)


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