Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Apr, 2024  |
  • Views: 1074  |
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1 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My dad in the late 80s"

2 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My father in 1995"

3 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Hangin’ out… down the street… (1970s)"

4 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Stone Cold Steve Austin and his 1965 Ford F100 (1991)"

5 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Me in 1999 working as a Graphic Designer."

6 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My wife around 1970."

7 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

8 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My grandma in the 70s"

9 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

Grandma Pt 2.

10 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Harrison Ford with admirers, 1959."

11 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Mom and dad looking a bit…glossed in the 80s before kids."

12 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"Parent's engagement photo in Tempe, AZ 1980"

13 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My dad and his brothers in the 80s"

14 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My grandpa, a WW2 vet, and his bride, my grandma. Nagasaki late 40s."

15 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My dad in the Caribbean with his coke-loving parrot, 1989"

16 Cool Photos From The Past (16 pics)

"My great grandfather (Sweden 1943)."

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