Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Apr, 2024  |
  • Views: 1559  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"This was a Tesla"

2 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Ate 4 big pieces in the dark last night and couldnt see it, how dead am I?"

3 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Went to top off my wiper fluid and found this"

4 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Traumatic Brain Injury. Before & After. 3 years later after loss of job and income. California denied my disability claim. Moved back home to NJ to live with my parents."

5 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"1 of 1 Ferrari valued at over $2mil burned today"

6 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"My brother's visiting, I made foccacia & told him to take a bite while it's warm and I came back to this monstrosity"

7 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Spent 1.5 hours cooking.. dropped a bowl and covered it in glass splinters"

8 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Put a bag of chili in the freezer and now it’s stuck in there"

9 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"My insurance ended up backing out of my duel colonoscopy and endoscopy."

10 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"I stayed at a BnB with bed bugs and had a huge allergic reaction."

11 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Just about to eat the last piece of chicken before I noticed this."

12 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Found this in my cheerios."

13 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Bananas aren't supposed to be crunchy& or have some red s***t in the middle right?"

14 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

15 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)


16 Bad Days Happen (15 pics)

"Paid almost 1k to fix my car last week and today my blinker broke."

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