Annoying People (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Mar, 2024  |
  • Views: 1657  |
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This man was just so obnoxious.

1 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person stole someone's payment info and used it to book a car, then asked the person THEY STOLE FROM to keep paying for the car, adding a "hee hee."

2 Annoying People (18 pics)

This massage client just refused to fill out an intake form because they didn't feel like it.

3 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person had no concept of personal space.

4 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person didn't care that their neighbor's house burned down — they just cared about how it made the neighborhood look.

5 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person wanted vet referrals, but wanted them to come to him — because it's all about him, apparently.

6 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person parked across MULTIPLE handicap spaces.

7 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person really thought 259,000 people would donate to help them get a Ferrari.

8 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person decided their concert experience was the only one that mattered.

9 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person blasted their bike speaker while on public transport.

10 Annoying People (18 pics)

And this guy literally had the back half of his truck made into a speaker, so he could piss everyone around him off.

11 Annoying People (18 pics)

12 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person took up no less than FOUR seats outside their flight gate, so no one else could sit.

13 Annoying People (18 pics)

These people thought they were in the right after purposefully bothering a guy an entire flight because he wouldn't switch seats.

14 Annoying People (18 pics)

This person thought it'd be funny to put dish soap in a fountain, and caused a massive mess other people had to clean up.

15 Annoying People (18 pics)

16 Annoying People (18 pics)

And these neighbors consistently blocked common areas and halls with large items like strollers.

17 Annoying People (18 pics)

And these neighbors consistently blocked common areas and halls with large items like strollers.

18 Annoying People (18 pics)


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