Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Mar, 2024  |
  • Views: 641  |
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Portrait of a Young Man by Barent Fabritius and Michael Jackson

1 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

American philosopher Henry David Thoreau and American comedy actress Ellen DeGeneres

2 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

Vladimir Lenin and Leonardo DiCaprio

3 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

“My friend’s uncle looked just like Dave Franco when he was young.”

4 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

“My grandmother looked like Arya Stark in 1936.”

5 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

“This is my friend at age 13. He looked exactly like Natalie Portman.”

6 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

“My great-great-grandfather looked just like Matthew McConaughey.”

7 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

A man from Harlem in 1939 and Jay Z

8 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

William Shakespeare and Paul Giamatti

9 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

American engraver Paul Revere and Jack Black

10 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

Philosopher John Locke and actor Adrien Brody

11 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

Bonus: Daniel Radcliffe and a guy from 1978

12 Celebrities Doppelgangers From The Past (12 pics)

On The Tonight Show, Daniel Radcliffe was shown a series of old photos of people that looked almost like him. Laughing, Daniel admitted, “As it turns out, in the past, there were a lot of people that looked like me.” In order to demonstrate how much he looked like the guy in the photo, Daniel put on a wig and a plaid shirt and took a picture.


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