Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Mar, 2024  |
  • Views: 1592  |
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"The plane I’m in is super foggy for some reason"

1 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"Are those cars underwater?"

2 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"This photo was taken atop a Ferris wheel. It’s a reflection of the parking lot behind the photo."

"I thought this woman was looking at me."

3 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"I’ve figured out it’s an ear bud"

"Don’t let the headhunters find him"

4 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"I took a picture of a ladybug riding a snail!"

5 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"This rock that looks like a baked potato"

6 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

7 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"I found a rock at the beach that looked like a sandwich"

8 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"My sister lives in Florida and sends me some weird pictures of people. This was the most recent."

9 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"My hands have different sizes, shapes, and colors"

10 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"This banana car"

11 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"My dog’s extra long whisker"

12 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"This sign on a bike path in New Zealand warning us about ’frisky cows’"

13 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

“This bald bird”

14 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"The way this can of spray foam exploded"

15 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"This garage door"

16 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)

"My friend uses scissors to cut pizza"

17 Unexpected Finds (17 pics)


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