Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Mar, 2024  |
  • Views: 805  |
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“I’m a plumber working in a ceiling void under a leaking shower and I have been greeted by a curious kitty.”

1 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

Look who’s here to say hi.

2 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I’m still not used to living in the suburbs. Today, a hawk flew in and I don’t know who was more scared — him or me. I barely caught him, gave him some meat, and let him go.”

3 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“This amazing cat I saw”

4 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“A short story of how a squirrel visited me at work”

5 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I came home and saw this. Nobody knows where he came from or how he got in.”

6 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I heard some noise on the porch and went outside to check. There are no raccoons, deer, or other animals like that around here. But this horse came to visit.”

7 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“Our dinner guest on the patio in Colorado Springs”

8 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“This is Jimmy. I don’t know his real name. He comes to my place, screams at my door, I let him in, and feed him. Then, he jumps on my chair to take a nap for a few hours and then leaves in silence.”

9 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“A hedgehog came and scared my cats. Now he’s eating.”

10 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“So I think we’re done with the bird feeder until next winter...”

11 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“A surprise guest showed up when our wedding photographer took this picture of my wife’s ring”

12 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I saw an abandoned doghouse and saw tracks leading to it. When we decided to check, we found this.”

13 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“So we were eating dinner when an unexpected guest showed up at our screen door.”

14 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“He came to the terrace and couldn’t find a way out. We decided to give him some milk. He drank 2 bowls.”

15 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I woke up to a squeaking sound, I went outside to check, and I found this thing, yelling.”

16 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“This cat canceled our lesson today.”

17 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“Snuck into our office and didn’t change colors...”

18 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“Found him on the balcony this morning. Let him in. He started walking around the table and lying down on everything. Then, he yawned and decided to take a nap.”

19 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“2 feral cats snuck into our guest bedroom and had 11 kittens.”

20 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“My wife and I with some of our uninvited, but very welcome, wedding guests...”

21 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“I was surprised by an unexpected guest on my flight.”

22 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

“A stray cat has been coming around since we keep a food bowl on our back porch. Today, she brought some guests with her...”

23 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)

In case you didn’t know what a baby praying mantis looks like, here is a photo.

24 Uninvited Guests (24 pics)


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