People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Feb, 2024  |
  • Views: 748  |
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“My nickname was ugly Betty.”

1 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“I just found my holy grail drugstore skin tint.”

2 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Before and after the dog park”

3 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Rhinoplasty, 6 months post”

4 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“I’m at 26 and 33. No diets or surgery, just a healthy lifestyle.”

5 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“My closet before and after cleaning”

6 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“My ears before and after getting them reconstructed (almost 3 years healed)”

7 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“My looks 2 years apart. My weight hasn’t changed, but I started exercising. That’s how well-trained muscles affect your overall shape.”

8 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Before and after: 2 years and a little love later”

9 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“My mum had a full facelift. She’s 66 years old.”

10 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“I’ve had Snuffy for 41 of his 63 years. He’s on his second set of eyes and third batch of stuffing, and has been repaired by me, my mother, one of my uncles, 2 of my
aunts, and both of my grandmothers.”

11 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Sometimes I don’t recognize myself in the mirror.”

12 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Got my Power Glove reworked!”

13 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Neck lift: 18 days post surgery. Very pleased with the result.”

14 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Practice for progress! Makes me so happy and proud that I didn’t stop trying. My first ever cake vs my cake now.”

15 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“Changed my lifestyle and started taking care of my skin.”

16 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“My dog got a haircut: before and after.”

17 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)

“I’m just so proud that I managed to transform these sticks into normal human arms and even grow some delts.”

18 People Share Their Achievements (18 pics)


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